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Burkley oo GEnie Online Editor........................................Ed Krimen oo CompuServe Online Editor............................Michael Mortilla oo Contributing Writer.........................................Len Stys oo Contributing Writer........................................Bob Smith oo AtariNet Coordinator\Telecommunications...................Bill Scull oo Contributing Editor...................................Dr. Paul Keith oo Z*Net News International Gateway - New Zealand............Jon Clarke oo Z*Net News Service\AtariUser Magazine-Publisher\Editor.....John Nagy ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEnie..............Z-NET CompuServe....75300,1642 Delphi.........ZNET Internet...status.gen.nz America Online..ZNET1991 AtariNet..51:1/13.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS |#| The Editors Desk..........................Ron Kovacs |#| Dateline Atari! With Bob Brodie..................... |#| Kansas City AtariFest '93...............Announcement |#| Perusing CompuServe.................Michael Mortilla |#| GEnie Roundtable News...................John Hartman |#| PMC Update..............................Announcement |#| Perusing GEnie.............................Ed Krimen |#| Z*Net Computer/Events Calender............Ron Kovacs |#| Falcon030 Memory............................Len Stys |#| The Unabashed Atariophile............Michael Burkley ###### THE EDITORS DESK ###### By Ron Kovacs ###### --------------------------------------------------------------- We are back after a short vacation. This year Z*Net will be taking a few weeks off and NOT publish during the selected week. However, at the present time there is NO planned date or timetable, but I will do my best to let you all know before hand. Next week: AtariNet Update! Z*Net Newswire Returns! Z*Magazine Special Edition Coming! Maybe an Article from Bob Smith and Paul Keith...... .....The Invisible Z*Net Writers!!!!!!!! We'll see you next week!! ###### DATELINE ATARI! WITH BOB BRODIE ###### Transcript Courtesy of GEnie ST RT ###### Copyright (c)1993, Atari Corporation ###### --------------------------------------------------------------- (C) 1993 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May be reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on GEnie are *official* information services of Atari Corporation. To sign up for GEnie service, call (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that). Wait for the U#= prompt. Type XTX99437,GEnie and hit RETURN. The system will prompt you for your information. Special Edition Friday Night Real Time Conference March 5, 1993 Dateline Atari! with Bob Brodie Special Guest - Eric Smith Host - Lou Rocha Once again it is my great pleasure to welcome Bob Brodie, Director of Communications for Atari Corp. to our monthly edition of Dateline Atari! We also have the added honor of a special guest - none other than the original author of MultiTOS, Eric Smith! Welcome to both of our guests. This is a special night for Atarians for another reason. Tonight we expect to hear the long awaited news of Falcon030 shipping plans and US prices. For several months we have followed the saga of Falcon production and related software development. Last month we got an excellent preview of Atari Works, the integrated wordprocessor, database and spreadsheet. Tonight we will hear about the long awaited (almost legendary) debut of MultiTOS - Atari's multitasking operating system. Without further ado, let's have the opening comments from Bob Brodie. Go Ahead, Bob! Lou and the rest of the gang here at the ST Roundtable! Once again, I'm delighted to be here for our monthly gathering at Dateline: Atari! This month, I'm pleased to offer something a little bit different from our normal fare. I've asked Eric Smith, from the Software Engineering Group here at Atari, to join us online to discuss MultiTOS. I know that you're all very anxious to hear as much as possible about the capabilities of MultiTOS, and Eric is just the man to answer all of your questions about MultiTOS. As many of your may know, Eric developed a program called MiNT (which stood for Mint is NOT TOS). Originally, MiNT didn't multitask with GEM applications, but rather gave users a multi-tasking environment to operate TOS applications from. MiNT is now incorporated into MultiTOS, and has changed dramatically since Eric first wrote it. Obviously, we were impressed enough with his efforts to offer him a position within Atari! Before we begin with the MultiTOS portion of our CO, I'm sure that you are all very interested in the status of the delivery schedule for the Atari Falcon030 here in the US. We have had a small setback in the manufacturing of the unit. One of our suppliers is running about 10 days behind in providing us with a couple of components that we need for the US machines. This means that the machines will probably arrive in late March to early April. The reception that we've had for the machines has been nothing short of sensational!! The phone has been ringing constantly, with many people interested in signing up as Atari dealers. As you might expect, the main interest is coming from the music field, as few other computer systems can match the digital sound capabilities of the Atari Falcon030 right out of the box!! We have enough orders in hand that we expect to be sold out quickly. This is the same type of reception that the Falcon030 has gotten in the rest of the world, for instance in Germany, where it was literally sold out in a matter of hours!!! Much of our efforts here in Sunnyvale over the course of the last month has revolved around finalizing plans for dealer agreements. It is our hope that we'll be able to restore the value of an Atari dealership, and help the dealers be able to be more profitable. We will be soon going over the new arrangements with all of our current dealers, as we release the pricing, and other sales related information to our current dealers. Now, we'd like to tell you a little bit about MultiTOS! While this file is a little bit long, it will give you a pretty good idea of what the capabilities of MultiTOS are. MultiTOS provides your Atari computer with multitasking, the ability to run more than one application at a time. Since your computer spends much of its time waiting for user input, multitasking makes more efficient use of processing power--when one application, say, your word processor, is waiting for input, the rest of your computer's attention is turned to other tasks. MultiTOS includes several important features that make multitasking reliable and efficient. Adaptive prioritization gives the most processing power to the most important program running--the word processor you're typing into receives higher priority than the processor -hungry compression program running simultaneously in the background. Memory protection prevents one program from interfering with another active program's data in memory. And if one program quits unexpectedly or "crashes," MultiTOS protects other applications, which continue to run; only in the most extreme circumstances will you need to restart your computer. MultiTOS runs existing, correctly-written TOS programs--as many as your computer's memory allows. Some programs are already being upgraded to take advantage of MultiTOS features, and more programs written especially for MultiTOS are on their way, from Atari and third-party companies. MultiTOS can run as many programs simultaneously as will fit in memory; GEM programs, Desk Accessories, and TOS programs can all peacefully coexist under MultiTOS. You can move from one to the other, using whichever you need. When one program is busy, you can set it aside and work on something else until it's done. When you finish with a program and exit it, the memory it occupied is freed for other tasks. All running programs share the screen, each putting up its own windows; with several programs running, windows may overlap or be hidden altogether by one another. The application that receives input, like keystrokes, from you is called the foreground or topped application, and other programs running simultaneously are background, or untopped applications. Unlike TOS, MultiTOS allows you to operate any window's gadgets to move, resize, or scroll the window, even if the window is not topped. When you click within a window (but not on its gadgets), that window is topped, and so is the application that owns it. The topped application's menu bar is displayed, unless it doesn't have a menu bar --in that case, the menu bar is unchanged. Running GEM programs under MultiTOS is straightforward: simply double- click the program's icon. The MultiTOS Distribution Kit includes two simple GEM programs, "Clock" and "Lines." Double-click on CLOCK.APP, and an analog clock appears in a window, but the Desktop's icons and menu bar are still visible. Double-click on LINES.APP, and a graphics demonstration appears in a window. Resize the Lines window so that you can see the clock and some of the Desktop. Both programs and the Desktop are running simultaneously! From here, you can run still other programs, or perform Desktop operations like file copies. Desk Accessories and MultiTOS As with TOS, you can access your Desk Accessories from the "Desk" menu. Unlike TOS, MultiTOS can load Desk Accessories as you need them. Double-click on a ".ACC" file to run it, just as you would another GEM application. You may want to keep only the essential Accessories loaded at all times, and load others when needed. You can do this by putting your ".ACC" files in a directory other than the root of drive C:\. TOS programs present a special problem for multitasking, because they usually assume they are the only programs running, and that they have the whole screen to themselves. Since TOS programs don't know how to share the screen, MultiTOS does it for them, by giving them their own "screen," within a window. When you double-click a ".TOS" or ".TTP" program, MultiTOS runs another program, "MINIWIN," which sets up a window in which the TOS program runs. MINIWIN lets you select the size of the window TOS programs are given, and the font they use. You can change this information by choosing "Configure..." in the left most menu when running a TOS program. Note: TOS programs assume they're using a "monospaced" font, where all characters are the same width. MINIWIN allows you to choose "proportionally spaced" fonts, where a "w" is wider than an "i," for example. If you choose a proportionally spaced font, the program may look strange, but is otherwise fine. When several applications are running, the topped application presents its menu bar and receives your keystrokes. The others are in the background, where you can still move and resize their windows, but you can't click on their menus or give them keyboard commands. MultiTOS provides several ways to manage all the applications you may have running, and to choose which of them is topped. The leftmost menu in the menu bar is called the "Desk" menu, because that's what it's called when the Desktop is topped. When another MultiTOS-friendly application is run, and the application has its own menu bar, the application's name replaces "Desk" in the menu bar--this is one way to tell which program is topped. Some older applications will not do this, but will otherwise work fine. The Desk menu contains the names of all installed Desk Accessories and below, the names of all applications currently running, with the topped application indicated by a checkmark. You can top another program by clicking on its name in this menu; its windows (if it has any) spring to the front, and its menu bar (if it has one) appears. You can run as many programs as your available memory allows, but there are reasons why you may not want to. Often, there is very little difference in system performance with several programs running, since many of these programs are just waiting for input. When programs are actively processing, or reading and writing data on a disk, they consume more of your Atari's processing power. You may be tempted to leave things running in the background because it's so easy, but if they make too many demands on the system, performance will suffer. It's best to shut down any programs you're not planning to use, just as you would exit them in TOS. This makes the most memory and "computing horsepower" available for the programs you really need. Experiment, and see what combinations of programs work well together. Shut programs down with MultiTOS the same way you would with TOS: save whatever you're working on, then select "Quit," click the "close" gadget on a window, type "exit," or whatever. This gives the program a chance to save and close any files it has open and exit cleanly, returning your computer to its normal state. As always, it's best to save your work and exit from all running applications before restarting or turning your computer off. Occasionally, a program may "hang" in a state where it is no longer running correctly, but does not exit. When this happens, you can shut the program down from the Desktop. Select "Install Devices" under the "Options" menu, then open drive U:\, and then the "PROC" folder. This folder contains "files" that represent all the programs currently running under MultiTOS, along with parts of MultiTOS itself. To stop or "kill" a program, simply drag it to the trash. Be very careful with this technique. Kill only programs which have not responded otherwise, or are otherwise behaving incorrectly. Be careful what you throw away, because it is possible to shut down a part of MultiTOS itself, after which it can be difficult to recover without restarting. If you aren't sure what something is, don't kill it. Although Atari has made every effort to accomodate even ill-behaved TOS programs, you may occasionally encounter programs that are not compatible with MultiTOS. These programs may "crash," (exit unexpectedly) or "hang," (keep running without accepting input, refusing to exit). Usually when this happens, MultiTOS continues unharmed, along with any other programs running at the time of the crash. Sometimes, if a program crashes in an especially spectacular way, it can interfere with other parts of MultiTOS operation, or other programs. If you see error messages on your screen, or if you notice peculiar behavior from other programs, save your work and reboot your computer. Try to isolate the problem to the particular program and action that caused the crash, and report the problem to the program's authors or publisher. When you encounter a program which doesn't run under MultiTOS under any circumstances but you need to run nevertheless, you can temporarily disable MultiTOS, and restart your computer with TOS. To do this, save any work in progress, shut down any running applications, and restart your computer. You can use the Reset button, or hold down and and press . Immediately after restarting, hold down the left key. You will be asked, "Load MultiTOS? (y)es (n)o." Press the key, and your computer will start up without MultiTOS. With the power of MultiTOS comes responsibility. Since some older programs expect to be the only thing running, they may not guard against some things which can happen "when their backs are turned." You can avoid these problems by not using one program or the Desktop to interfere with another active program. For example, don't move configuration or open document files for your word processor while it's running; the program may assume the files are in their original place, and behave unpredictably. Similarly, be careful with programs that manipulate disk data directly; don't run a hard disk defragmentation program in the background and save a file to the same disk, or the results could be unpleasant. As more MultiTOS-aware programs become available, these problems will be minimized. That concludes our opening remarks about MultiTOS, Lou. We're ready to take on all the questions that our guests might have tonight! Naturally, we're prepared to answer MultiTOS questions as well as almost anything else they might want to discuss with us. Thanks for the preview of MultiTOS. Several people have their hands /raised so let's get to them right away. Our first question is from B.AEIN. <[Bman] B.AEIN> Bob, can you talk about new dealers, the Falcon 040, or the Jaguar? Will there be coverage in mags like Popular Science? What extras will be included with theFalcon? MTos on ROM? Thanks for being here Bob. Hi Bman, we've gotten a number of enquirys from new dealers. I expect to be able to expand our dealer network dramatically, and quickly as well. Among the most exciting thing to the new dealer prospects is the fact that they will actually make MONEY selling Atari Computers, unlike the skinny margins that most clone dealers presently have to live with. Re the Falcon040: Sorry, no comment about any 040 products. The Jaguar, our 64 bit game console machine is due out this summer. The Falcon will ship with MultiTOS, Atari Works, Speedo GDOS, and the other 8 applications that we previously indicated. <[Dave] D.SHORR> Bob, what is the STatus of the dealer demo unit program and Atari's service agreement with GE? The dealer demo program is going to happen, naturally dependent on the dealer accepting our new dealer terms and conditions. As for the GE program, there are legal issues that are impeding that event from going forward. Unfortunately, I don't know when it will, or if it will happen. However, the Falcon030 in reality only has about 6 components to it: The ram board, the floppy, the hard disk, the power supply, the keyboard, and ... the motherboard. This makes it very easy for just about anyone to be able to service the Atari Falcon030. Will MultiTos have the capability to open an individual application multiple time? And will there be a unix style command line capability? Or is MultiTos far from being anything like UNIX running an x-windows type of envir.? and when it is going to be available? <[Eric Smith]> Yes, you can open applications multiple times (assuming the application supports this; most do). You can use most of the available command line interpreters for the ST under MultiTOS, and they will run (like any .TOS or .TTP window) in a window. Much like xterm under X windows, if you're familiar with that. MultiTOS is going to ship with Falcons, and will be available for users shortly aftwerwards. (By "users" I meant "non-Falcon" users, obviously ). Will, MultiTOS support SLIP so that I can use my DECstation's graphics capabilities at home? err if I used the terminology correctly. <[Eric Smith]> We don't have SLIP support build into the OS, but people could add this on with easily, using MultiTOS's loadable device driver and file system features. Bob or Eric: TOS and TTP programs sound like a pain. How do programs like ARC Shell and XYZ shell work under MTOS? Concerning the desktop environment while running several apps: Does the [B]ottom to Top feature of TOS 3.06 work on windowed applications like it would on normal directory windows? Also, can you use the right mouse button to manipulate applications in the background in the same fashion? <[Eric Smith]> Older versions of ARC shell didn't work under MultiTOS, but perhaps there will be a new version that does. The [B]ottom to Top feature works only on the desktop's windows; there is a new key (control -alt-tab) for cycling between applications. Some applications (MultiTOS aware ones) will let you manipluate them while their in the background; for these applications you don't even need to hold down the right mouse button, it all happens automatically! Evening Bob. Has Atari decided on how MultiTOS will be distributed to owners of current Atari computers? MultiTOS is running GREAT on our TT and Mega STE. Congrats to Eric on a job well done!! Jeff, it looks like we'll have to sell MultiTOS rather than ... upload it to the online systems. We have an arrangement with... DRI that requires that we pay a licensing fee for the use of GEM on a per unit basis. So we will be working on packaging and of course, pricing for MultiTOS in order to sell it to the user base so we can honor our contract with DRI. I have a MIDI question. Is there any software which will allow the falcon to have the capabilities of a sound module such as the Roland sc-55? James, I'm afraid that I'm not familiar with the capabilities of the Roland sound modules, and our music expert James Grunke isn't in the office at this time. I'm afraid that I'm not up to speed enough to answer that. My gut reaction is that it is possible, but I don't think that there is such an application at this time. Eric, is there a feature in MultiTOS to allow minimising of running-program windows, and if so, what does it require of the program to allow this to happen. <[Eric Smith]> No, minimization isn't built in to the OS. However, we will be publishing a specification soon to allow programs to do this. Basically, your program should just make its window very small and move it to a corner of the screen. There are calls to allow you to check to see if any other windows are at a spot, so that you can find an empty place. Bob, What is the current status of Atari Kodak and the Photo CD? John, our contract is a done deal. We're awaiting the final versions of the developer tool kit which is being ported to our platform by one of the developers from Germany. We had expected to see something in about January time frame, but there have been delays on his end in getting the product finished. Naturally, we're very anxious to see this completed. Also will the multitos package come with .XFS CD-ROM drivers? I Kodak developing the tool kit? <[Eric Smith]> No, the MultiTOS package will not come with the CD-ROM driver. It will be available later as an add-on, I think. (Ed. Note - Due to a system problem, ST.LOU was disconnected and back up RTC sysop Mike Allen assumed RTC leaderhip.) Well, let me finish up the question that John asked, and lets' try to keep a QUIET demeanor in the next few minutes. John, in answer to your question about Kodak...They provide the source code to the Photo CD software system. From the source code that they have provided, we port the code to our platform. This is the very same procedure that is done with the port to MS-DOS, and to the MacIntosh platform as well. Mike, take it formal, please. :) Sorry folks - I don't have Lou's raised hand list. I'm going to have to fake it for a while. hold on while I get a piece of paper Ok, I have Craig Servin with his had up as well as a few others. Is the new Desktop smart enough to deal with longer file names? Also does MTOS give the 3D AES gadgets to TOS < 4.0 machines? <[Eric Smith]> The desktop doesn't deal with longer file names yet (future releases will, I hope) The 3D gadgets are built into MultiTOS and will work on all machines. Thanks Mike, Good Evening Bob and Eric My question is : If delays continue to persist will the Multi-Tos and other New Atari programs ship? Sorry I meant delays with the Falcon MultiTOS is on the machines that are coming from the factory. We indicated that in the beginning of the CO, sorry you missed it. How much memory will I need to _realistically_ run multiple apps.? The reason I ask, is I use PageStream a lot on my 4 meg TT and it seems to GOBBLE memory. So, will I be looking at upgrading to 8+ to mt btw PS and other programs? And does it look like any virtual screen programs are going to work with MT? <[Eric Smith]> Obviously it depends on the applications. I would think that if you're already finding 4 megs tight, then upgrading to 8 megs is a good idea. 4 megs is pretty much the minimum for doing "serious" work. And yes, most "virtual screen" programs work with MultiTOS. Good Evening Bob & Eric, Does MultiTOS allow manual adjustment of the priority, and does it display the current priorities? Does the HD on the Falcon030's contain demos of software? Lastly, do windows that are inactive still update? <[Eric Smith]> The priority can be adjusted "manually", but that isn't available on the desktop; I'm sure some enterprising developers will release software to do it :-). Windows that are inactive can still update, yes. Falcons ship with a variety of applications (which work both with and without MultiTOS). Re the demo software... We will have a separate arrangement with our dealers to get them. Bob, can you tell me a little bit about the surround sound capabilities of the Falcon? Pat, most of that is not directly dependent on the Falcon, but rather on the specific application that is running on the Falcon. For instance, the Audio Fun Machine application that we ship with each Atari Falcon030 uses the DSP chip to create a surround sound type of effect. This is a capability of the DSP that is documented, and available to anyone wanting to create those types of effects with their Atari Falcon030. I've been wondering about this particular question for a LONG time. With MultiTOS, will it be better to run STalker as an .ACC or a .PRG? Will the 'Favour Concurrency' option help at all? For the new AES 4 icons features, is a new icon editor being written by someone? And finally, is it now realistic to think of a TT030 as a file server in a LAN using MTOS and Dragonware networking software? Seems like a tremendous opporunity to sell Atari LAN set-ups with things like Atari Works to use in the office environment. <[Eric Smith]> I run STalker as a program. It seems to work very well. (I'm not sure what difference the "Favour Concurrency" option makes; I haven't felt the need to try it . I haven't tried out the Dragonware networking software, so I don't know whether it would work well or not. I have a lynx question When will Eye of the Beholder be released? James, I don't have a specific date for it at this time, only that it will be available later on this year. Sorry I can't be more specific for you at this time. We do expect to have more games coming out for the Lynx at the rate of one to two titles a month through out the rest of 1993. Hi Bob and Eric! I have two qestions for you, not related to MultiTOS, as much as I'm panting for it. Sounds like you've done a super job Eric, Thanks! First Question, whats the status of MetaDos 2.0? we had someone looking for it, and I know I'm eager to see it. Charlie, I think it's a done deal, and we licensed it to ICD in order for them to release it with their HD utilities. The problem on our end was that the Atari host adapter didn't support the full SCSI command set that was needed in order to be able to utilize the CD roms. Since ICDs did, and their software/hardware is so popular, it seemed like a reasonable decision to make. We'll have CD ROM drivers for MultiTOS. Oh that's what happened to it. I knew the Link handled CD- Roms but I thought there was an Atari program still pending. Ok, second question, I have a nice idea for a semi-regional marketing thing. Who should I contact to pitch this at with Atari Canada sonambulant I'd approach a fellow Canadian who's residing here in Sunnyvale right now. His name is Garry Tramiel. :) You can fax him at 408-745-2088, or send Snail mail. He won't come on-line.....YET. Hi guys, ok, kinda a two parter - one, does Atari in general have plans for ethernet ports or options on their machines in the future, and how about sockets or tcp/ip in multitos. Hi Tim, we'll both answer this one. Re the Ether net ports, not on the current machine, although there are parallel and SCSI ethernet adapters that can be used with the Atari Falcon030. All that is needed is for software to be created to know that it is there. We've discussed doing such a project here, and there is of course, also the enterprising Chris Latham at Power Point Technology (PowerDOS) that is very capable of doing such a project. I'll let Eric handle the TCP/IP stuff. <[Eric Smith]> As I mentioned, it's easy to add new devices or file systems to MultiTOS; they can be loaded at boot time. I've heard that some people in Germany are in fact working on tcp/ip software using this mechanism; no doubt some other developers are too. I don't have any dates or future details, though. Eric, Can a GEM app running under Mtos switch screen rez without confusing Gem in using AES functions? <[Eric Smith]> No, because other applications that are running would still be using the wrong resolution. We have published a way to cause a resolution change, but it requires shutting down all other running applications, so it's not really a "nice" thing to do. ST Format has recently reported that some 150 leisure devs in the UK are working on Falcon games. Any truth to this? If so, when will the first ones be out? Dorothy, I cannot confirm the exact number of developers in the UK that are working on the games, that's more Bill's area.. and he's snuck of to his home for the evening. I can tell you that at the last meeting we had, he did say that there were over 35 Falcon "capable" games, that would use DSP sound, etc, that were on target to be delivered in June of this year. Bob, so... MTOS won't be available until after the Falcon is available? I'm REALLY looking forward to purchasing MTOS. (If you couldn't tell already.) _Any_ idea of pricing on Atari Works, SGDOS, or MTOS? Chris, at this point that is correct. MTOS won't be out for the other users until after the Falcons hit. I'm pleased to hear that you are so interested in getting it, though. The pricing for Atari Works/Speedo GDOS is set. The suggested list price for Works with Speedo GDOS and 14 Bit Stream fonts is $129. The price on MTOS hasn't been set yet, but I'm sure that it will be under $100 US. We will also be selling a HD kit for Falcon030 buyers that don't opt to buy the HD version as an original component, and that HD will come with MultiTOS, Works, and Speedo GDOS installed on it. Bob when/where can I get the AW/Speedo package? I'd like to support my dealer and can I trade gdos 1.1 in Mike, it looks like we're about 30 days away from shrink wrap on Atari Works, and it will ship with the Speedo GDOS/font set up that I descriped previously. It really does look great, and I'm sure that you will be pleased. I've abandoned every other word processor that I ever used, I'm really, really happy with the capabilities of Atari Works. We'll probably be having a CO with the author of Works, Pradip, in the next few weeks here on GEnie. How do other applications see the U:\ directory, and what would happen if one attempted to load a task into say, Atari Works or 1st Word? <[Eric Smith]> Drive U: looks to applications like any other drive. If someone tries to load a process into Atari Works or 1st word, they would see a whole lot of garbage in their window :-). (Actually, a sensible word processor would pretty quickly figure out that this wasn't a proper document...) Hi Bob and Eric!!!! I have two quick questions. A developer in the BBS stated that the TT is cancelled and this is the reason why he is not continuing with a product for the TT. Is the TT gone??? Second, is the new developer contract out to dealers??? Thanks. Brian we have only a few TTs left in stock at this time, and the amount of interest in the product has dropped dramatically as the Falcon030 comes closer to the actual shipping date. We would be very happy to continue producing TT030s, as long as we have enough interest to make it worthwhile to fire up the production lines. If there isn't sufficent interest, then it doesn't make any sense to produce say, five thousand TTs. Re the new developer contract to dealers, I think you mean the dealer agreement to dealers...we don't have any reason to send the developers agreement to the dealers! :) The dealer agreement will be going out next week via our rep firms. First off, Thank you guys for staying so late- Don't worry, though, there's not much snow on the roads :-) Will the Falcon ship with a) a VGA monitor adaptor b) a ST monitor adaptor c) both d) that's Bill's area :-) e) or a composite adapter f) none of the above. The video adapter is a separate item that will be purchased at the time of the sale by the customer, and HIS choice will depend on what he wants to do with his Falcon030. Just wondering... Specifically, do Aladdin and PageStream co-exist peacefully under MTOS? Seems like I could be doing a user group newsletter right now. <[Eric Smith]> Aladdin has a nasty habit of locking the screen; while the screen is locked you can't get to other applications. But otherwise it works fine (i.e. there's no damage done, and once the screen is unlocked you can get to your other programs). So I would say the answer is probably "sort of". I haven't tried that particular combination yet, though. I understand that there is a version 2.0 of Aladdin coming that should be friendlier with MTos. how will we go about getting MT? I would like to get a copy _the_ day it is realeased, even if I have to drive to San Jose to get it. It's only 180 miles from me. And is SGDOS easy to set up and use? We will be selling MultiTOS to our dealers, so you will be able to order it from your dealer with little problem. Speedo is very easy to use. There is a diskette with an install program that works just fine, and prompts you through about four disks to install your printer driver, and the .ACCs for the fonts and the printer drivers. I have a dealer here in San Luis Obispo, but he told me just the other day he has had _NO_ contact with Atari Corp. What about that kind of thing? Who's the dealer? Computer Logic I have a feeling that he is buying everything from one of our distributors, Pacific Software Supply, which by coincidence, is also located in San Luis Obispo. :) He'll probably be able to continue buying product like Works/Speedo from him. BTW, we had Travis Guy, our editor of Atari Explorer Online just run the PageStream/Aladdin combo. Worked fine, as long as he ran Aladdin first. He said that PageStream likes to grab most of the ram right away. :) About optional HD will it be available in different megs? Yes, basically it will be in 80 meg, 120 megs, and 200 megs. The price will vary according to market conditions on the HDs. Virtually all of the machines that have been ordered at this... point have been 4 meg/65 meg machines, so that's what the initial shipments will be. Probably in April or May, I don't have a copy of the production schedule in front of me. To be sure, we want to supply the users with the one meg machine as well, and also make it easy for them to get the HD kit in a sensible fashion. BTW, did I mention that we're thinking of a Four Meg/No HD combo? Some of our dealers have thought that it would be a good offering to have in the product line. How about a 14 meg no HD combo? You can order the one meg machine and a fourteen meg ram board to get that unit, Mike. We will have upgrade boards for four megs of ram, and fourteen megs of ram. :) Then of course, you could order the HD kit with the 200 meg HD! Eric, What is the reason that MiNT Ver 0.95 and the ICDXX.XFS combination only reads Kodak ISO9660 Photo-CD disks? Bob, ICD says that they are currently waiting for a fix from Atari for a problem with Metados 2.0. Comments? <[Eric Smith]> I haven't seen the ICD .XFS file system, so I don't know why it only reads Kodak disks. Probably it's based on an older version of the .XFS driver (which was developed originally by the same developer doing Photo CD, so he obviously had a certain focus :-). Also, MiNT 0.95 is very old; the version going into MultiTOS is 1.04. John, don't know...better check with Bill Rehbock on that one. How much will the monitor adaptors cost (estimate okay), and do you need both for a multisync monitor? Could you say if Alan Skaggs of A-Online Computing in Tampa, FL is a real dealer? Sean, the monitor adapter go for about $15 if memory serves me correctly. For a MultiSynch monitor, you'll just need to VGA. A-Online in Florida does have an account with us, mostly he just buys parts, and does service. I don't believe that he sells new product, but I'm not 100% sure about that one. Can you get the TV/ST resolutions on a MultiSync using the VGA adaptor? I think that it depends on the monitor, not the connection. Hi again. What does/can ATARI offer to user groups to promote the ATARI line of computers? I believe user groups are the the most economical form of advertising for ATARI. Do you have press kits, information packages, etc.? What about lending of equipement for mall presentations, etc. I am amazed at the number of members in the user group I am in, considering there is no dealer within 20 hours of driving. Brian, in the past we have offered user groups a tremendous amount of support in the form of free equipment on loan for their shows, like mall presentations, etc. We have not, as a rule, sent out Press kits to user groups, because the material that we send to the public vs. the press vs. the dealers is all different. For example, in Milwaukee every summer, we loan about 50+ systems to a user group for use at a huge gaming convention, and they also manage to make a little bit of money off of it. I feel that in the next year, we'll be more inclined to do those things in conjunction with a DEALER as well as a user group. Often, we're much better off working through the dealer than just the user group. The user group is always very enthusiastic about the product, but not always as sales oriented as we'd like. For example, in Las Vegas this past COMDEX, we had (as we always do) a great group of guys from the Las Vegas groups helping us out with the Falcon030 set up, etc. But they were really having a great time checking out the machines for *themselves* as well, if you know what I mean. I agree Bob a dealer would be best. But in our case A show or proper presentation may attract a dealer. Thanks for the answers, I really appreciate them. Closing comments, Bob, Eric? <[Eric Smith]> You're very welcome. Thanks again for a wonderful evening on GEnie. I hope that it was as much fun for all of you as we had. This time we had a total of four people online in my office for most of the night, and had a terrific time! I'm looking forward to next month's CO already! Thanks again, and goodnight! ###### KANSAS CITY ATARIFEST '93 ###### Announcement ###### --------------------------------------------------------------- As we had a conflict of dates with two other long running shows, we have moved our show date to remove this conflict. The new show date is listed below, we are sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. The location is the same. The location for the show is Stadium Inn, 7901 E 40 Hwy., The date of the show will be June 26th and 27th. Ticket prices at the door will be 5.00 dollars each day. Advance tickets will be 4.00 dollars each, for advance tickets, please send 4.00 dollars per ticket to: Kansas City AtariFest, P.O. Box 1653, Lee Summit, MO 64063 or if you belong to a user group please mail a request for a user group information pack. To make room reservations please call 1-800-325-7901, we are also working with a local travel agent to get special airfares for the show. You may call 1-800-874-7691 to take advantage of the special fares. For more information please leave Email as follows; GEnie, B.welsch, B.Frazier2, J.krzysztow, for CompuServe, Leave for Jeff Krzysztow at 74027,707, for Delphi, Bobtrow or you can call (816)224-9021, or mail to the address listed above. We hope you will join us to welcome the following companies; Cali-Co software, ICD, MissionWare Software, Fair-Dinkum Software, Systems For Tomorrow, New Dimensions Computer Center, Electronic Spinster Graphics, Compu-Seller West, ChroMagic Software, Paul's Software, The Codeheads, Clear Thinking Software, S.K.Ware, MegaType, Oregon Research, D.A. Brumleve, Muller Automation, and a lots more!! Watch for updates to this list or check our Genie topic (cat 11 topic 11) Bruce Welsch KCAC Special Events Coordinator ###### PERUSING COMPUSERVE ###### By Michael Mortilla ###### --------------------------------------------------------------- Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity. William Butler Yeats [1865-1939] There is no hidden message or implied meaning I wish to relate with the above quote. Simply a mention of the falcon (perhaps one of most famous). There's no harm in repeating it, is there? But speaking of Falcons, we hope to actually see one this weekend at the open house over at Barefoot Software in LA. If so, you can be sure to read about it here next week. We'll skim over the philosophical news this week (between Yeats and last weeks article, we won't be needing much more abstract opinion for awhile). But it should be mentioned that the thread concerning the food stamps and other public issues of welfare, etc, are still continuing in the Ataripro Forum. And no one has lost their temper yet! The for sale messages in the Atari pro and arts forums appears to be increasing, albeit gradually. It would appear that some of us are preparing our bank accounts for the arrival of the Falcon 030. No one would actually be considering using a different platform, would they? The new lower prices on CIs are very much in the messages this week. Just which options to choose are a concern of the members, as well they should be. SYSOP Keith Joins writes: "You can make the change anytime by issuing the command GO CHOICES. However wait until the last day of the month or you will be billed the basic charge for February." In a later messages he continues by saying "The final Saturday of each month is the end of the month as far as CIS' billing period goes so by waiting until after that you make sure you don't get charged for the current month." The nice thing is that you can change the option at any time your needs change. With an increase of Atari "officials" online, it's important that we make them comfortable as possible . When Dan McNamee of Atari had some inquires, we all learned that it is possible to undelete an e-mail message! Steve Ahlstrom, leaves these simple instructions: "GO EASY SET MODE COMMAND SET RETAIN YES SET (you'll get menu here) Select option 1 (change your editor choice) Select option 1 (restore the editor choice to what it was before) Make the changes permanent After doing that, from now on you can undelete email that has been deleted in the last (approximately) 48 hours. To do so, GO EASY, at the prompt type UNDELETE and you'll get a list of recently deleted emails -- select the ones you want to restore." The final entry from the Ataripro message base is in the form of a riddle, and if ever there was a riddle for programmers, this is it! Toli Vavskos writes: "Hi all I know this is not the appropriate forum for a riddle, but I assume there are a lot of good thinkers among you. So here goes: You've got 12 balls. 11 of them weigh the same. One of them has a different weight but we don't know if it's heavier or lighter than the others. You've got a balance that you may use three times only. How do you find the different ball? This riddle puzzled me for quite some time and I still can't find the answer. Reply if you know it. David D. Hagood replies: "The way you solve this is to realize that the scale divides the balls into three sets: those on the left of the scale, those on the right, and those that aren't weighed. What you do is assign each ball an "address" that is three trits (a trit is a trianary digit, analogous to a bit but it may take on three values). Number the balls 1-12, the addresses are: ball # t1 t2 t3 ball # t1 t2 t3 1 A A A 7 B A A 2 A A B 8 B A B 3 A B C 9 C B C 4 A B A 10 C B A 5 B C B 11 C C B 6 B C C 12 C C C Now, do three weighings: for each weighing place the balls with A's on the left of the scale, balls with a B on the right, and balls with a C don't get weighed. For the first weighing, use trit t1, for the second weighing, use t2, etc. For each weighing, record the result: A = left was heavier, B = Right was heavier, C = balanced. Now, try to match that to a result in the table. If you find a match, you're done (also, the ball is heavier than the rest). If you don't find a match, change all the A's into B's and try again (and the ball is lighter than the rest). And leave it Mr QCIS, Jim Ness to find the bug! Jim writes: "David - >> "if you don't find a match, ...try again." But, if you've gotten to this point, you've already used up your max of three weighings." Let's give David the last word here: "What I meant was, take the address you generated with the three weighings. Convert the A's to B's in that address, and consult the table again. No additional weighings are needed. Incidentally, that is why the problem is stated as 12 balls: there are twelve "addresses" that are unique when you allow A's and B's to be equivelent. If you knew ahead of time that the ball was light (or heavy) you could go up to 27 balls and determine the results in 3 weighings." Brian G. at MacDonald Associates (the folks who bring you ST Informer, writes in the Atari vendor forum: " As of Friday February 26, 1993, Tax Wizard is shipping. This years program is a tremendous improvement over the past ones, with a much nicer GEM environment. Call 1-800-800-2563 for more information." Just in time for taxes (ugh!). Maybe you can save a bundle on accounts fees this year? As this article was being completed, news has just reached us that there ws an explosion at the World Trade Center in New York City. There were at least 5 fatalities, and an explosive device is all but certain. In the immediate area of the blast was the limosiene used to transport the President of the United States, who was due in the area (NJ) on Tuesday. We extend our deep sorrow to those who have lost members of their families and friends in this tragedy, and hope that the responsible parties will be apprehended quickly and brought to justice. ###### GENIE ST RT WEEKLY NEWS #3.1 ###### Compiled by John Hartman ###### --------------------------------------------------------------- NEW DARLAH'S TREAT CLUBDEMO.LZH INFOworks presents Club Dominoes, the most authentic and realistic dominoes simulation available for ANY computer. If you enjoy playing Mah Jong, Ishido, Backgammon, Yahtzee or Cards, you'll like Club Dominoes! For ANY Atari ST/STe/TT w/512k, low or med rez, and hard disk installable. Download from page 475 Option 9 for FREE!!!!! NEW DARLAH'S CLASSIC TREAT MJ30DEMO.ZIP Option 10 on THIS PAGE!!! This DEMO of Mah Jong solitare from Cali-CO. is a PLAYABLE demo that contains 3 layouts, 3 tablecloths and 3 tile sets. All the layouts are winable, but they will all be the same! The REAL version has MANY layouts, tile sets, tablecloths and ALL the Games are DIFFERENT! Last two month's RTC transcripts -------------------------------- 27777 CODEHEAD.ARC X BRIAN.H 930218 16640 205 13 27614 BRODIE5.ARC X ST.LOU 930206 16896 520 13 27339 IAAD_RTC.ARC X BRIAN.H 930115 17152 140 13 27268 BRODIE4.ARC X ST.LOU 930109 17152 687 13 -------------------------------- Last Month's Top Downloaded Programs/Utilities: ----------------------------------------------- 27832 STZIP22.ZIP X E.JOLLEY 930223 123648 380 40 27568 CENTPED.LZH X GRMEYER 930202 92416 331 8 27737 DE102103.LZH X ORA.TECH 930216 119936 324 2 27634 MANDALA.LZH X J.EIDSVOOG1 930207 5120 298 21 27756 DROPOUT.LZH X J.EIDSVOOG1 930217 4224 274 21 27557 SAVERS12.LZH X J.DILLENBURG 930201 71936 265 21 27864 FLYSHP13.LZH X CODEHEAD 930226 7168 235 21 27669 NEOP302A.LZH X GRIBNIF 930212 240256 229 21 27829 PUZZLE.LZH X J.EIDSVOOG1 930222 3840 227 21 27697 STZIPMAN.ARC X D.CLARK59 930213 5120 195 40 ----------------------------------------------- Last Week's Top Downloaded Programs/Utilities: ---------------------------------------------- 27832 STZIP22.ZIP X E.JOLLEY 930223 123648 380 40 27864 FLYSHP13.LZH X CODEHEAD 930226 7168 235 21 27829 PUZZLE.LZH X J.EIDSVOOG1 930222 3840 227 21 27873 FORTUN12.LZH X CODEHEAD 930227 30208 152 21 27830 SLAB11.LZH X ROB-G 930223 252416 110 29 27831 FIT_ACC.LZH X V.REINA1 930223 15616 103 8 27794 MOVPIC20.ZIP X OUTRIDER 930221 13184 100 21 27857 GROCRY21.LZH X R.HOEKSTRA1 930225 35968 95 2 27819 DRVSPACE.LZH X D.PANKE 930222 5120 84 2 27872 TRACE.LZH X K.LORD 930226 62848 82 28 ---------------------------------------------- Last Month's New Demos: ----------------------- 27906 BBSXDEMO.LZH X C.SANCHEZ2 930301 242432 7 10 27856 TBX_DEMO.LZH X ABC.SOLN 930225 164864 52 10 27818 CLUBDEMO.LZH X J.HANLEY4 930222 98688 458 10 27799 PALMASTR.LZH X CYBERCUBE 930221 110208 81 10 27791 COPNROB.ARC X V.VALENTI 930220 39168 40 10 27703 FRAC_DSP.LZH X J.ROY18 930214 30464 37 10 27657 MT32EDT.ARC X L.WHITE17 930210 123648 12 10 27636 SOLUTION.LZH X P.DUBE 930207 233856 19 10 27608 MTW_DEMO.LZH X BPENNER 930205 76672 107 10 27529 MOUSEBT4.ZIP X P.LEFEBVRE 930131 54528 59 10 27520 PIANODEM.LZH X J.COLLINS22 930131 53504 99 10 ------------------------ Last Month's Press Releases in the Library ------------------------------------------ 27893 LOGICBLK.TXT X T.IHIRA 930228 3712 15 14 27870 SERMOUSE.PR X CYBERCUBE 930226 6272 66 14 27869 PALMASTR.PR X CYBERCUBE 930226 5504 58 14 27868 M161280.PR X CYBERCUBE 930226 3968 72 14 27842 SHOWKC.ASC X B.WELSCH 930224 1792 51 14 27833 SACEXPO3.TXT X A.STUDER1 930223 6656 41 14 27828 TOAD393.ZIP X TOAD-SERV. 930222 13824 193 14 27771 CAF93_01.TXT X B.GOCKLEY 930218 2816 66 14 27768 TOADNEWS.216 X TOAD-SERV. 930218 6656 178 14 27749 SINGULAR.LZH X C.FLUEGEL 930216 3072 55 14 27743 GEMUL21.TXT X BRASOFT 930216 7680 121 14 27658 SHOW2.ASC X B.WELSCH 930210 1792 53 14 27655 SHOWINF.LZH X B.WELSCH 930210 3712 23 14 27640 TOAD0208.LZH X TOAD-SERV. 930208 10496 291 14 27639 TOADBBS.TXT X TOAD-SERV. 930208 1664 78 14 27615 SACEXPO4.ASC X M.WARNER8 930206 7040 79 14 27609 MULTIWTR.DOC X BPENNER 930205 3200 157 14 27604 CTSWAPEX.TXT X D.FINCH7 930205 5376 15 14 27598 GLEAFNAM.ARC X WORDFLAIR 930204 2944 57 14 27565 CT_SWAP.TXT X D.FINCH7 930202 2432 28 14 ------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Caesar, by Impressions, is similar to SimCity and Populous, two popular 'God' games, but on a far larger scale. As the Decurian (one step above a citizen, the working equivalent of a mayor) of the city not only are you charged with bringing into existance a Roman city complete with roads, businesses, militia, aqueducts, and the ubiquitous Roman forum - order must be brought to an entire province. With both provincial and city levels demanding your time, creating a civilized province is much more involved than in many other games of this genre. Not only are you building a capital city worthy of the Roman Empire, but an entire provincial network of roads, fortifications, clearings, and cohorts of professional soldiers must be created and maintained to secure the safety and stability of your population, and the trade they depend on to live. Even a well laid out city will fail if the province in which it depends on is not pacified and linked with roads. Your ability to construct buildings and pay yourself a handsome wage is dependent on the taxes you raise from these people, and naturally the more successful their ventures, the more money your taxes will bring in. Caesar provides a more realistic threat to your city and provinces than just the natural disasters in SimCity. Barbarians are a constant threat, but can be combated by your soldiers, organized in cohorts, which you can base close to the trouble areas in your province. Without these loyal troops, the chaotic hordes of barbarians will enter your carefully planned city, laying waste to everything in sight. A city police force is also a necessity and building garrisons for these militia within the city will control rioting citizens as well as the barbarians. Yes, your local citizens will rise up in revolt if you neglect their needs! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Death and Taxes... and more death! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Your civic work force consists of slaves. While a distasteful method of finding a labor pool, the nasty parts of slavery are glossed over. The quickest way to obtain more slaves is to take care of the ones you have, not by capturing men in combat, as was most likely what happened in reality. Apply more money to their welfare, and you will always have enough slaves to assign to combat fire, maintain the streets and buildings, or to fight for you in a pinch. Like every other political figure, you have councillors to guide and advise on how well you are managing your governance. By clicking on the Forum Icon, and then the appropriate advisor, you can check your level of favor with Rome, and keep an eye on the economy of the province. Your success is measured by Peace, Prosperity, Culture, and Empire. These goals are graphically represented by columns, metered from 0% to 100% These columns represent the level to which you have kept out the Barbarians, supplied jobs, set up trade, and built things like theatres, schools, hospitals, and arenas. Once the minimums for each of these goals are met, a promotion will be forthcoming, sending you off to a new province. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Impressions of IMPRESSIONS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Impressions UK has brought out several ST games in the past few years. Caesar is also a successful title on the PC, and the first of two new games by Impressions for use on the ST. Another game by Impressions, Cohort, will be updated to Cohort II. Cohort II will allow you to link up with Caesar and fight out those gripping battles with the great unwashed in technicolor detail. As the default combat scenes in Caesar are limited to choosing an overall tactic and the actual outcome is reported in short text form, using Cohort in combination with Caesar will make your fighting strategy just as interesting as working your province. Caesar is distributed on a double sided disk, and is not hard drive installable. I have tested it on a TOS 2.05 Mega STe and everything works as advertised. It did not load on a TT030, which we tried... but some really good news! It did run on an Atari Falcon030! The gameplay was a bit smoother, and faster, but not unplayable. A few of the graphics were corrupted in some views, but the gameplay onscreen was untouched. Everything there ran flawlessly, with only one or two icons scrambled at the bottom. With the enclosed quick reference card, anyone who had not seen the game before would still be able to play the game without hinderance. The graphics themselves are well done, animated people walk around your city with a purpose, carrying out their tasks. Buildings progress from tents to palaces - if you provide the necessities. The animation is more complete than in Populous, and you have to be careful that you don't become too busy watching the activity in your city, and forget that you are there to build and create a bigger city! There is no dearth of color, and the shapes of the sprites on screen are well defined and easy to identify. The only problem with the three-quarters presentation of Caesar is that sometimes when you place a tall building in the city, smaller areas behind them could be hidden, leaving empty space that you could neglect to notice and could be better used with houses or other buildings. The variety of things that you can build far outstrip the meagre selection in SimCity or Populous. Fountains, markets, businesses of all kinds, temples, arenas, hospitals, schools, and more can be built by the enterprizing young emperor. Most of the game only needs to load once, but with activities like repeated fighting, or consulting your advisors the constant disk access gets a bit tedious. The manual is complete, and teaches you exactly what you need to get started and a handy reference card is included. If you are looking for a sucessor for SimCity, this is the game for you! Now, if they could only get the darn thing on a hard drive.... Graphics: Good Sound: None in Game Documents: Good Playability: Excellent Overall: Excellent Ratings are based on a scale of Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Awful. Overall is a subjective rating representative of the game as a whole. The review copy of this game was kindly provided to AEO by a proud Atari-only dealer, Steve Kipker of STeve's Software Sales 5 West Street Woodland, CA 95695 Info: 916-661-3328 GEnie: S.KIPKER --==--==--==--==-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --==--==-- CompuServe Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- -- -- -- To sign up for CompuServe service, call (voice call) (800) 848-8199. -- -- Ask for operator #198. You will be sent a $15.00 value CIS membership -- -- kit for free. -- -- -- -- --==--==-- CompuServe Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --==--==--==--==-- ||| Andreas' Den ................ Pass the beer and hand out the salsa! ||| By: Andreas Barbiero / | \ Delphi: ABARBIERO GEnie: AEO.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- This week I have been busy working with MultiTOS and Atari Works, but there was so much else going on in the Atari World that I had to find some time to put this column together for ya'll. The CodeHeads had a great CO on GEnie last month, and they have released some new Warp 9 Extend-O-Save modules. They keep getting more and more ambitious with these programs and the results are outstanding. If you haven't upgraded or (God forbid!) are not using Warp 9, GET IT! I used to think screen savers were a waste of time, but as my son sporadically demands more attention from me during my computer time, I was suprized to see that even with a 5 minute delay set into Warp 9, Mandala (my favorite screensaver module) kicks in more often than I thought it would! You can find these files on GEnie or your local BBS. Delphi, with its full Internet access, has been a clearinghouse for some interesting Atari Falcon030 shareware. Included in this deluge is a file stating that it can change the screen refresh from 60Hz to 78Hz, supposedly making the flicker less noticable in interlaced modes. As with all hacks, compatability may be an issue. These files should be making it to the other services, as well as making an appearance on the BBS circuit. Many programmers have Atari Falcon030s and are experimenting with the graphics ability of the machine. Higher resolution and colors have been claimed, and we should have our Internet correspondents investigating these claims and finding out more about them. Wouldn't we all LOVE to see 1280X960 in 65,000 colors??? MAYBE. DAVIDSHORR on Delphi has written a little program called PoolTool, and as he describes it, "PoolTool will allow any user of Atari's HDX 3.01 or greater to change the value of the OS Pool size variable located in the Atari hard disk driver. This variable is used by the driver to perform the same function as the separate FOLDRXXX AUTO folder program; PoolTool will let the user set how many extra folders the driver will allocate at bootup time. This eliminates the need for the separate FOLDRXXX program; unfortunately, current versions of the driver will only make use of this variable on TOS versions 1.00 and 1.02; later versions must continue to use the separate FOLDRXXX. This program should not be needed on newer versions of TOS, as they do not need FOLDRXXX, if anyone has any suggestions as to what can be done with this program can contact the author at the above Delphi address. Many of you are have been interested in the release of AtariWorks, all I can say is that the production team are hard at work and updating it. The latest version I have is dated February 22nd! Every time they get the thing to go as fast as I thought it could be made to be, they make it faster! Here are a few message about the new crop of Atari Falcon030's, an ever increasing penetration of the computer market is taking place, with distributors and developers getting primed for the March release. >Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st >From: tose@brosme.dhmolde.no (Torbjoern Ose) >Date: 3 Mar 93 00:13:24 Since I'm in a good mood tonight I thought I'd share this little bit of information with the rest of you guys. While reading the rather more intersting Maus news from germany (compared to the recent stuff on here that is) I came across this: (translated to english (well.. my kind of english) for the benefit of those who can't read the official Atari language): Olaf_Mootz says something like: " I have just been on the phone to GE Soft blah blah blah they are working on a card for the Falcon!! Without second level cache but with additional FASTram (upto 32MB) and using 32Mhz! To be displayed at CeBit" This should cheer up those (including yours truly) who weren't too happy about the speed of the Falcon. Cheers, Torbjoern -- Torbjorn Ose - tose@unix03.dhmolde.no - "Things Take Time - Piet Hein" And from the USA: Conf : ST_HW_SW Msg# : 68/68 Lines: Extended Read: 6 Sent : Feb 16, 1993 at 9:22 PM To : All >From : Dan Subj : Falcon 030 A couple of notes about the Falcon and a little crow eating. First off, there are two but they are identical and we saw no reason to have them both set up. As it is, the other is destined for other parts but we will keep the first. Secondly, the machine was not permanently hooked up to the monitor that was there (I believe it was a JVC SC1224), that monitor just happened to be handy. Thirdly, my speakers we only working on one channel through the Falcon as I hadn't repaired them. When Dan was there we tried using the SC1224 in all resolutions but the JVC failed to handle it. Today we hooked up a Goldstar SC1224 and it worked famously, though the desktop flickered like an Amiga. Makes sense, the 1224 wasn't designed to display that resolution (640 X 480). When Slidshow ran (RGB) version it supported overscan. This is a giant leap forward for Atari display parameters. The more I use the Falcon, the more I am impressed by it. I am still getting used to it and am an absolute amateur with Multi-TOS (MiNT). Speaking of MiNT, it is memory hungry. With the 4 meg version there isn't much room (around 2 meg after MiNT installation) to run anything. This isn't a heck of a lot of room to stretch about in. The "nicest" program outside of the stuff we got for it in regards to memory usage has been Sillouette. Nice program by the way. It will leave about 1 meg free after running (I assume this would change when large files are opened.) One thing, Sillouette must run in ST High resolution. Like a lot of programs that have run on the Falcon (Not necessarily MiNT) they run in a "compatible" resolution. One exception was Castles. This would execute in any Falcon resolution and transfer to low res. Dooesn't exit so cleanly though. I'm looking for more pictures that run on the Falcon slideshow. They have a TGA extender and the theroy is that they are Targa Image Format files but they have been modified in some strange manner (The Targa is the leading Video capture board in the PC world and you could expect to pay around $2000.00 US for a good setup.) The files in the slide show are ALL the same file size. That is not possible unless they have been fiddled with. They will load into Photo Styler on the PC but with some distortion. (Actually they load into Photo Styler with the true aspect ratio according to the file but some of them appear distorted on thge PC while others looked squashed on the Falcon.) Back to displays. The machine is now set up with a TT monitor that we have temporarily. This will not last long I think though the display is comparable to a Multi-sync monitor (It bloody well should!). We also have a Viewsonic 6E in the store for a short time. This has so far been the best display device for the machine that we've seen. Inside the Falcon-first, there isn't a heck of a lot of room. The 4 meg memory card is about 2 X 4 1/2 inches and about half an inch high. It sits bridged across the O.S. which now resides in a socketed flat-pack (square) chip. Kind of like a small MMU. The drive is a 65 meg Seagate 2 1/2 inch IDE drive about the size of a pack of cigarettes but half as thick. Nice drive. Chips are surface mounted and the board itself appears to be a multi-layer board. What this means is that service will be a board swap procedure. It will be amusing to see how that is handled. The board is surprisingly clean for a one-of production run like this. It is very likely the production dyes and so forth existed, they just needed to find a home. (Wanted: One (1) Falcon 030 production facility.) Back to the memory, they are using 4 meg DRAM chips on this card and it will be amusing to see the 16 meg board. I assure you that will be a tight fit. The Falcon does sport a fan, positioned just next to the mouse ports (Still in their much-loved spot) and as close to the RAM as possible. It is very quiet and the Seagate makes a bigger if still quiet noise. In closing (for now) Paul Varn mentioned that there was a write-up about the Falcon in BYTE magazine. I haven't seen it but it is refreshing to see an Atari product get national press attention. Let's only hope that the powers that be have the forsight not to screw it up. -Daniel ______________ Dan (no relation) Aylward dud@u.washington.edu In other news, we expect to have some of the members of the TOS development team online on Delphi soon, for a conference, so get your questions ready, they will be ready to answer them! Atari Falcon030 interesting facts- Out of the Atari Falcon030, Amiga 1200, and the Mac Performa 400, the Atari is the only one with a floating point co-processor socket on board, allows for the most memory to be placed in the machine, stock, and the only one with stereo input and stereo outputs. Of course this is in addition to the DSP, MIDI, SCSI 2, DMA audio.... Amberstar has a new relative... Ambermoon due to be released this summer, this one sports smooth scrolling and a host of new quests and a 800 by 800 map... a few times larger than the original! In the meantime we are waiting for Legends of Valor to hit the US shores... it promises to be one of the best RPGs ever. Who says there's no new Atari ST software available? As a closing remark, I just want to say, if you have seen the recent rash of 'no crossposting' with messages from AEO staff, this is not to be stuffy or egotistical, but to keep people from using the messages for personal reasons. I realize that 99% of you all are perfectly content to ask questions and read what we have to say, and all this is NOT pointed at you. Thank you for understanding, and any questions or comments can be sent to me at AEO.2 on GEnie, or ABARBIERO on Delphi. Feel free to use AEO_MAG on Delphi also, as it will send your comment to the entire staff. AEO.MAG on GEnie will get right to Travis Guy, your AEO editor! --==--==--==--==-- ||| A Beginner's Guide to UNIX and the Internet - Part 4 ||| By: Timothy Wilson / | \ Internet: WILSONT@RAHUL.NET GEnie: AEO.8 ---------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 - Usenet: The biggest, baddest message bases in the world. Well, since I found out people actually read the first three in this series, here is my final UNIX article. "Usenet" is (from what I gather) set up much like Conf-Mail on fido-net etc, but it has the benifit of being transfered on the Internet's T1 and T3 lines, (100k baud to 1.5M baud). This means you get new information almost hourly. There are about 1500 or so 'newsgroups' that work sort of like a GEnie RoundTable, or a Compuserve SIG. Each newsgroup has a name (of course) and are grouped loosely into major categories. Each sub group is delimited with a period. So lets take a look at a few newsgroups I 'subscribe' too. rec.arts.anime comp.sys.atari.st comp.sys.atari.st.tech rec.autos sci.virtual-worlds The original newsgroups were for discussions about 'educational' or 'scientific' stuff. Since every message thread seems to drift into other things eventually, the 'other' newsgroups were invented. Stuff like: sci. math. comp. were all the original technical or educational groups. Since there was so much other chit chat, new groups such as soc. rec. and alt. were created, supposedly to keep that type of talk out of the 'real' newsgroups. Well, it backfired. Nowadays, groups like alt.sex and rec.autos take up most of the traffic! some definitions... rec= recreation soc= social alt= alternative (not always carried by all sites) sci= science comp= computers alt groups get really wierd. Such newsgroups like: alt.ensign.wesley.die.die.die alt.kill.bob alt.dragons_inn There are other...er... stranger and oddball groups too. Some sites don't want these alt groups since some are on the wierd/lewd/nasty side. Theres a newsgroup for just about every hobby or sport. rec.basketball.college rec.sewing or computer system: comp.sys.atari comp.sys.amiga comp.sys.mac comp.sys.msdos Like mail, the newsgroups can only handle 7 bit characters. Files can be sent via mail or the Newsgroups, but it can get tedious to extract them. There are in fact, newsgroups just for files, they have 'binaries' in the name somewhere. like: comp.binaries.atari.st There is usually an accompaning 'sources' group too. comp.sources.atari.st Which have the raw C or asm code in the post. In order to get files into a 7bit mail/news friendly format, a program was made called: uuencode uuencode takes an input file and changes it into a 7bit format. uudecode takes a uuencoded file, and outputs what it used to be. Some news sites or news readers can't support large files, so stuff is sent in parts. (the 'uu' means Unix-to-Unix, its a function of the UUCP system) But hey.. why all this talk of news and file when I haven't told you how to read it yet? Be patient. I will. Eventually. If you see a posting with stuff like: begin 644 table !@#$%^&*()1234567890 M <----miscelanious garbage here----> M "" "" "" etc.etc. ...its a uuencoded file, not a error. Ok, now how to get at the goodies. Here are a few popular readers: 'nn', 'rn', 'trn' To use one, just enter it on a command line. ----------- unix% nn ----------- (nn means: No News is Good News, its the best way of viewing News/SIGS I've ever seen!) After executing one of the readers, it reads a file called '.newsrc' Remember that files that begin with a dot are invisible to a straight 'ls' command. The .newsrc (say: dot news ahr see) file contains all of the availible news groups. Take a look at it and browse the groups. It might look like: alt.junk: 1-23 alt.somemore.junk: 1-2341 comp.sys.idiot.box! comp.sys.atari.st: 1-2794 ... A colon means you are subscribed, and the numbers are the read articles. a exclaimation point, (or 'bang' as somepeople call it) denotes a news group that you are NOT subscribed to. (Like the C language 'NOT' of course.) If you are subscribed, then you will see any new messages from that group when you enter your reader. If you don't have nn, I would bitch at someone till you get it. it's really spiffy. rn is much like a standard bbs, you see all the messages, a page at a time. There isn't an easy way to just read the articles you want. I'll assume you have nn, it is growing in use, and should be around. nn will set up a screen full of article titles, with letters next to them. press a letter, (a-s, lowercase!) and that corresponding article is highlighted. When you are done selecting articles on this page, press and the next screen shows up, until you are at the end. Pressing once more, and you get to read the first article you picked. The articles are run through a 'less' type of scroller, so you don't have to worry about ctrl-s/ctrl-q like you do on most BBS'es. nn also sorts all matching articles together and shows the 'depth' of replies. like: b Ron Roase >>>Falcon, where is it? c abs6221 >>>> d Apyx >> e Atari A Robot Weekly postings to A.A. f wilsont >Multi-Tos and the Falcon. g johnboy - So there are three articles, with the original title: Falcon where is it? already, there is a follow up to a followup. And a followup to the fourth power. The dash '-' means that there was something wierd, and the sort failed. actaully, the article 'g' was posted before mine, 'f'. But something got wierd somewhere. 'g's article was the one I responed too, but it somehow didn't get posted to the other sites as fast, and there was a lag. Nothing's perfect. Not an error, just don't be confused if you read the reply before the real letter (doesn't happen very often). At anytime, press '?' to bring up a help screen. Some useful keys while selecting articles: < back one menu page > forward one page Z (capital!) read articles NOW, return to selecting afterwards Q quit S save selected articles to a contiguous file. (follow prompts) P previous newsgroup G goto another group (type the name in when the prompt shows up) , move cursor up / move cursor down . select current article where the cursor is. while viewing articles, it's pretty much like 'less'. including: n next article = jump back to selecting articles again / like 'less' , search for a regular expression h help...or is it '?', i don't remember. well, try em both. R reply to this article via mail F create a 'followup' article (continue the thread) ----I see a uuencoded file, I want it, but how do I get it? part 2. Save away all parts (it might or might not have multiple parts) into one file, using 'S' in nn or using the merge function of your editor. (can I get any more vague?) then edit everything out upto the 'begin' and everything after 'end'. save away the new file. type: ------------ unix% uudecode unix% ------------ Not much happened, but it's all done. You should have a nice binary file in your directory now. Most likely its a .arc or .zoo file too. Maybe even a .Z file. Pretty simple, just remember to edit out the news headers that would be in the 'middle' of 2 or 3 files merged together. If you have problems. Mail me! I'll help! Some atari newsgroups to read: comp.sys.atari.st comp.sys.atari.8bit comp.sys.atari.st.tech comp.binaries.atari.st comp.sources.atari.st Some fun stuff to read: (in my opinion) rec.humor.funny (only funny jokes show up here) rec.games.mud.announce (telnet sites for muds) rec.games.mud.diku (diku's are the best kind of mud IMHO) alt.galactic-bloodshed (all about this great game) rec.games.programmer (tips, tricks) rec.games.design (game ideas in general) sci.virtual-worlds (find out where Virtual Reality is really going) sci.physics.fusion (fusion research) alt.internet.access.wanted (find out where internet access is) alt.ensign.wesley.die.die.die ( a bunch of people who really hate Wesley) rec.autos.sport (sports cars, racing) alt.internet.bbs (bbs's with usenet access) Yes, your Atari has the power to become a UUCP site. That means you could get Usenet delivered directly to your Serial port. UUCP is Unix to Unix CoPy - an established set of protocols that are still around, though not much used by the larger sites. What you could do is set up a UUCP program on your computer, and have it call a site with a 'feed' and get all the updated newsgroups and mail that was delivered to you. Your Atari would then have its own private adress (usually a branch of the feed site) from which you could send and recieve mail. Of course, a 14.4k baud modem comes in handy here. Not a beginner's subject, but it exists if you ever wanted to do it. Well I guess thats it. A lot of this might seem somewhat sketchy, but I didn't want to insult anyone's intelligence, or bore you with every last detail. I hope, at the very least, you can mail me if you have a question. Unix or the Internet is not any more complex than a bbs. Go ahead, experiment... just don't do a rm *.* in your home directory!! There are loads of files and information to be gleaned from the internet. The internet is a world wide community, so don't be suprised to see posts from germany, england or russia. I think I'll wrap up with a few tips/pointers. FTP at the sites night time hours. Scan the .newsrc file for what interests you. Man pages are your friend. Mudding can be adictive, beware. Use the source, Luke. On Usenet, don't believe everything! Watch any quota's you might have. Use archie if you can't find a file. Mail support@yoursite if you get into a problem. Don't screw around with other sites, a trace takes a matter of milliseconds. Common keys: Ctrl-R redraw screen Ctrl-L " " Ctrl-Z Suspend process Ctrl-C quit program Ctrl-\ Quick! kill it! / search for a regular expression ? search backwards for regexp h move left j move up k move down l move right ctrl-U kill line (on SUN's) complete partial file name.\______on the command line in most shells " " / your keyboard arrow keys might work in some situations A typical login for me: unix% elm (5-45 minutes) unix% nn (1 hour) unix% ftp atari.archive.umich.edu (5-10minutes) unix% telnet archie.unl.edu (5-10minutes) unix% sz files...... (varible) unix% telnet (1-1.5 hours) unix% exit I'm what you call a 'net hound.' :) If there are any things I left uncovered, mail me and I'll make up a question answer chapter or something. This has been the 4th chapter in the continuing saga of "An Atari users guide to the Internet and UNIX" As before, this sure as heck ain't professional! Its not meant to be. so no flames, unless I'm hideously wrong about something. =>B^P& (flat top evil nerd with a bow tie sticking his tongue out) --==--==--==--==-- ||| Atari Users Online: Threads from the Internet ||| Compiled by: J.J. Lehett / | \ Internet: JJL101@PSUVM.PSU.EDU GEnie: AEO.8 Delphi: JLEHETT ------------------------------------------------------------- This month's wrap-up of Internet seems to have something for everyone: MSTe owners to TOS 1.2 and 1.0 owners; Spectre owners to Unix Workstation folks; beginning C Programmers to the cutting edge of the latest MiNT source code. There is currently a proposal being discussed on the comp.sys.atari groups of the internet to split-off a .advocacy group. The intent of the proposal is to try to filter out a majority of the flame-wars and 'My computer is better than yours' posts from the main groups. Hoefully, this will decrease the noise ration in the main Atari newsgroups themselves, saving the casual newsgroup reader from the time-consuming perusal of messages he might not be interested in. Whatever your opinion, be sure to read and post your thoughts on this to the news.groups area. Feel free to email mail with any comments you may have regarding this column. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Adding A Hard Drive to a MegaSTe =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From: anisko@usdtsg.UUCP Anyways, I have a MegaSTe/4 with NO internal hard drive (just a Megafile 30 sitting near it). If I wanted to put an internal hard drive in, what pieces of hardware would I need? (host adapter, etc?). ---------- From: ekrimen@wet.UUCP (Ed Krimen) Atari sells a hard drive kit for the TT and Mega STE that includes everything you need to install a hard drive in your computer. I think the host adapter is already in your computer; you could probably open up the bay and take a look for yourself. In any case, the kit has everything you need. (I hope Atari is still selling these.) Talk to your dealer. If he knows nothing about it or gives you the run-around, find another dealer. If you don't know of one, leave me e-mail and I'll recommend a few. Oh, BTW, Atari's kit doesn't include the hard drive mechanism itself. Your dealer could find one for you though. I'd recommend a Quantum drive. Also, ICD is on the verge of releasing their SCSI Professional utilities which don't require an ICD host adapter in the system to use them. You might want to check into this package as well. I prefer not to use Atari's hard drive utilities because ICD's have more features. You can order the package now, and you'll receive everything but the manual, which isn't finished yet. The package is $50 and I've heard that it includes CleanUp. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Choosing And Learning A C Compiler =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From: lchd_ss@uhura.cc.rochester.edu (Ho Ling Cherd) I have Prospero C and Mark William C. Can someone tell me which of this 2 and the GCC is a better C package to work with? I am looking for an assembler also. Is there any public domain assembler available? Also, can someone please give me examplese of the case where using assemmble language is better or necessary than using C or other high level language? ---------- From: warwick@cs.uq.oz.au (Warwick Allison) I can't speak for Prospero C or Mark William C (do they still exist?), but GCC is an EXCELLENT compiler. The pros/cons are: 1. GCC produces FAST code. 2. GCC is slower at generating code. 3. GCC is Free (ie. you get updates :-]). 4. GCC is more correct (ie. follows ANSI standard more closely). 5. GCC code is more portable. 6. GCC uses LOTS of memory. 2M minimumj for GCC, 4M for G++. GAS, the GNU assembler, is part of the GCC suite. You can also do inline assembler with GCC (actually, this is the preferred technique for me). Assembler is very rarely necessary. Only cases are for writing interrupt routines, since you can't say "RTE" in C :-). Assembler is useful when used sparingly, and then only when you've already written the code in C. I write everything in C, then for the parts that I find are too slow (find out by using gprof, the GNU profiling tool), I convert to inline assembler, with the C code conditionally excluded. ie.: void add(int a, int b, int* c) /* Not that anyone would really do this :-) */ { #ifdef NOASM *c=a+b; #else asm(" movel %0,%2@ addl %1,%2@ " : // No outputs : "d" (a), "d" (b), "a" (c) ); #endif } ---------- From: paetau@mits.mdata.fi (Rasmus Paetau) I'd like to learn programming in C, but I don't know which C I should buy. I have a 4 meg STe system with a color monitor and _no_ HD. What ic GCC++ (or whatever it was called) like? I heard it requires 4 megs of memory, I guess that means it doesn't fit on a single floppy disk? At the same time I might as well ask what kind of books there are available that I should consider? ---------- From: davidli@simvax.labmed.umn.edu You can use Sozobon C or Ian Lepore's version called 'Heat and Serve C', they are non-ANSI C compilers which can be used conveniently from a double-sided floppy drive. Our user group treasurer demonstrated Pure C to our programmers' group on a double-sided floppy. I seem to remember that Mark William's C (and probably a good number of other commercial C compilers) worked well on a floppy only system. You can always set up a 1-2 meg ram disk on your 4 meg system. GNU C is not usable on a non-hard drive system. Forget about it until you have a 20+ meg hard drive. Once you get a hard drive, you'll wish you had more space, so I would recommend looking at 40 meg as a minimum. I saw a nice "portable" hard drive with the ICD Link demoed at our programmers' group meeting last night. It had a 40 meg Connors mechanism, weighed less than the keyboard that I'm typing this message on, and cost about $350 with the ICD Link included. It's a matter of personal taste. There are, quite literally, hundreds of books out there which deal with C programming. You might want to check out C: THE COMPLETE REFERENCE (2nd ed.) by Schildt, and there's always that old standby THE C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE (2nd ed). by Kernighan & Ritchie. Your best bet is to go to a local book retailer and check out their computer section. You can also check out some of the computer book clubs listed in magazines such as Computer Language or The C Users Journal. For Atari-specific programming, check out the Taylor Ridge books by Clayton Walnum, or look for issues of ST-Log which had his C programming column in them. Compute! magazine put out a series of books by Sheldon Leemon which covered C programming of TOS, VDI and AES. Bantam had, at one time, a fairly nice book about programming using GEM. One of the comp.sys.atari.st FAQs has a list of Atari-specific books. ---------- From: cbbrowne@csi.uottawa.ca (Christopher Browne) Nope. Not even close to a single floppy, even if you compressed it using Zoo. GCC (the C compiler is called gcc, and the C++ compiler is called G++, although I'm being VERY slightly misleading by saying so...) requires a good few MB of disk space. No single one of the major pieces would even FIT on a single floppy. For instance, the C compiler proper (gcc-cc1.ttp, I think it's called) is about 800-900K in size; the C++ compiler proper (gcc-cc1plus.ttp?) is about 950K; the library file GNU.OLB weighs in at about 800K, and this ignores entirely the large group of .h header files, and other utilities, and, and, ... You get the picture. A minimal GCC configuration takes roughly 5MB of disk space. I'd suggest getting HSC (Heat 'n Serve C), which is one of the friendlier versions of the Sozobon C compiler. It's free, just like GCC, and makes MUCH more modest demands on disk and memory space. You'd be able to hold the ENTIRE compiler and libraries on a ram-disk, and still have a couple of MB free for the compiler to run in. You'd then put the source code on floppy, which is the safest way to do things. HSC isn't an "ANSI" C compiler, but rather uses the more classical "K&R" version of C. Look around atari.archive.umich.edu, in the directory /atari/Languages. The file is probably called something like hsc133.lzh. For C programming in general? The two "famous" books are: The C Programming Language, by Kernighan and Ritchie. Published by Prentice Hall (I think). There are TWO editions - the "classic" version that defined the language for the first generation. "K&R" stands for "Kernighan and Ritchie," and is used about equally often to refer to: a) The classical version of C defined in this book, or b) This book. There's a new edition that describes ANSI C. I'm not sure which version you'd want. Harbison & Steele: A C Reference Guide This book describes and contrasts features of both K&R C and ANSI C. These are two of the top books; there's an OCEAN of books out there on C. My personal favorite is "Software Engineering Using ANSI C"; published by Springer Verlag. The authors, whose names I don't recall (and the book is on the bookshelf in my OTHER office) are on the ANSI committee, and the book explains lots of tips & traps, particularly those that relate to the common differences between C compilers. I'd suggest looking for a GOOD computer bookstore; perhaps a university bookstore, and browsing the various C books available. There's a bunch of rather crummy books that are available at the standard "shopping mall" bookstores; I'd suggest looking for something better. I'd suggest that if you're after more information that you direct specific C questions to Comp.lang.c, as that's a more appropriate forum. Or maybe Comp.sys.atari.st.tech, if it's Atari specific. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Combining AHDI AND ICD Formatted Hard Drives =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From: entropy@gnu.ai.mit.edu (maximum entropy) The Megafile currently boots with AHDI 3.01. I'd like to run it with the ICD software instead, so I plan to boot with the Toadfile, copy the contents of the Megafile onto a cartridge, format the Megafile with ICD software, copy everything back to the Megafile, and then reconnect the Megafile as the boot device. (Am I correct that the first device in the DMA daisy chain is the boot hard disk?) The question is, will my AHDI-formatted Megafile be accessible while I'm running the ICD boot software, or will I have to do a backup/restore to floppy to get everything copied over? Also, will I have to diddle any switches to hook up both drives at the same time, or does the DMA bus automagically figure things out from the order in which they are cabled to the machine? [...] Will I still be able to access the ICD adapter's internal clock if the ICD adapter is second in the chain? ---------- From: hohmuth@freia.sax.dn when the prompt shows up) , move cursor up / move cursor down . select current article where the cursor is. while viewing articles, it's pretty much like 'less'. including: n next article = jump back to selecting articles again / like 'less' , search for a regular expression h help...or is it '?', i don't remember. well, try em both. R reply to this article via mail F create a 'followup' article (continue the thread) ----I see a uuencoded file, I want it, but how do I get it? part 2. Save away all parts (it might or might not have multiple parts) into one file, using 'S' in nn or using the merge function of your editor. (can I get any more vague?) then edit everything out upto the 'begin' and everything after 'end'. save away the new file. type: ------------ unix% uudecode unix% ------------ Not much happened, but it's all done. You should have a nice binary file in your directory now. Most likely its a .arc or .zoo file to(Hartmut Bohn) Hi, I just read your question about Chinese on the ATARI ST. Yes, there is a word processor called SINOTEXT which was made a few years ago at the University of Bremen, Germany. There are both GB and BIG5 versions. The input method is great - dynamic full word pinyin. However the formatting capabilities are very poor, for the program was originally designed as an editor for TeX documents. If you only need a few CHinese characters in your text and have a word processor which is able to handle graphics, you can also type the characters with Sinotext (or some DOS Chinese editor which uses GB coding), save the file and then use the PD program "VPCT" which displays the characters in 24x24 pixels on the screen. Make a screen hardcopy to disk and use the characters as graphics in your word processor. I did this for my M.A. thesis and the result was quite good. There is another program called SIGNOPRINT which allows you to produce mixed Western/Chinese text with the Signum!2 word processor. But you also need a GB editor like SINOTEXT. SINOTEXT is available for 250.-- German Marks at the University of Bremen - I can look up the full address for you if you want it. Other CHinese programs for the ST: VPCT (View and Print Chinese Text) and CPREVIEW (Chinese Preview) can display GB coded files on ATARIs with SM124 monitor. THey are available via anonymous ftp from ifcss.org or ftp.kth.se (dir: /CJK/atari). I also made a patched version of VPCT which displays traditional characters instead of simplified. SIGNOPRINT is available for DM 40.-- from Christian Riedel - I can look up his address, too. Then :-) there is CHinDEX, my electronic index to "A Chinese- English Dictionary" for the ST. Get a demo from one of the ftp sites mentioned above! ---------- From: bohn@utrurt.uni-trier.de (Hartmut Bohn) Chinese/Japanese/Korean/Other East-Asian Software for ATARI? A new ftp site is just being set up for Chinese, Japanese, Korean and other East Asian Software at the "Leibniz Rechen- zentrum" in Muenchen, Germany. I am supposed to take care of the ATARI subdirectory. While there is some Chinese software, I do not know about any Japanese, Korean or other East Asia related software for the ATARI. If you know about any such software, please contact me at bohn@ldv01.uni-trier.de or: ucc02ab@sun3.lrz-muenchen.de Thanks in advance! Hartmut P.S. The ftp site is: ftp.lrz-muenchen.de dir: /pub/culture/east-asia =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// 2 Chip AND 6 Chip TOS-Ready Motherboards =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From: rossin@hpfcso.FC.HP.COM (Ted Rossin) The two chip set will not work in your machine unless you add some logic to drive the chip select lines during the entire address space. You will also need to supply two extra address lines to the two chip set. ---------- From: sheppard_r@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz A lot of machines have the logic fitted for both 2 and 6 chip sets, some 2 chip machines don't have the Rom sockets fitted and some have them the rong way around.. Board No. for machines... Mega 2 C100501 4 C100167 520STF C070243 1040ST C070789 1040ST C103225 These are boards that have the 2-6 chip logic fitted... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Simultaneous Key Press Results =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From: lchd_ss@uhura.cc.rochester.edu (Ho Ling Cherd) While type this message, I accidentally press shift-sd and I got this on my screen --- SD I am using Uniterm 2.0e. What actually happend? I have came across this a few time with my 520ST and I thougth there were problems with the keyboard but I am using a different keyboard/ machine now. ---------- From: hyc@hanauma.jpl.nasa.gov (Howard Chu) Kind of a bug in the keyboard mechanism. If you have not completely released one key before going to press the next, you get the keycode for a different key. So if you had typed S and reached for the D, you get the F1 key if the S was still down when you hit D. This happens to me a lot when I'm typing fast. Actually, as it was explained to me, if you have any 3 keys pressed down, and you examine the parallelogram that is described by those 3 points and a 4th point, you'll see that the actual keycode you get is that of the 4th key. So, the reason you have this problem with S and D is because you also have the shift key pressed at the same time... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// MiNT Version 0.99 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From: anneklin@acs.bu.edu (Patricia Anne) Is this an 'official' release? Should I be using this? ---------- From: ersmith@netcom.com (Eric R. Smith) The answer to the first question is "sort of," and the answer to the second one is "that depends on how lucky you're feeling" :-). I was in a hurry; zillions of people have been asking for updated source, but I simply haven't had time to do a 'real' release. So I threw together the files from my directory and sent them up. In the process I left out asm.y by mistake; and the usual README file didn't get written. Sorry about those omissions; I will try to correct them, but it will be some time before I can get a real, organized release including the Lattice and PureC support, plus docs. MultiTOS is consuming an enormous amount of time; as with any software project, the closer it comes to release the more urgent are the bug reports. So consider this an "interim" release, for people who just can't wait and who don't mind risking life, limb, and hard disk while testing new software :-). Also: as Mike pointed out in his message, this is also a source code only release. Please observe this restriction. As beta software, MiNT 0.99 is suitable for use only by experienced programmers, and I *don't* want people misunderstanding its status at all. Moreover, this release contains Atari code as well as my own, so observing the restrictions on distribution is doubly important -- how well people respect the conditions will determine whether or not we will release future versions of the MiNT source code to the general public. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// MROS? What is it? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From: heritier@delta4.frec.bull.fr (Franck HERITIER) Does someone know what is M-ROS for Atari ST ? What is the editor of this multitask system ? Can you evaluate it ? --------- From: coonstot@quads.uchicago.edu (charles orville onstott) M-ROS is the multitasking environment developed by Steinburg-Jones for use with their MIDI software.(Cubase, editor/librarians, etc.) It also, I believe, allows communication between various components of Cubase itself and between Cubase an other programs that would be running simultaneously. (Midi data exchange, triggering, events, etc.) M-ROS works behind the scenes n when the prompt shows up) , move cursor up / move cursor down . select current article where the cursor is. while viewing articles, it's pretty much like 'less'. including: n next article = jump back to selecting articles again / like 'less' , search for a regular expression h help...or is it '?', i don't remember. well, try em both. R reply to this article via mail F create a 'followup' article (continue the thread) ----I see a uuencoded file, I want it, but how do I get it? part 2. Save away all parts (it might or might not have multiple parts) into one file, using 'S' in nn or using the merge function of your editor. (can I get any more vague?) then edit everything out upto the 'begin' and everything after 'end'. save away the new file. type: ------------ unix% uudecode unix% ------------ Not much happened, but it's all done. You should have a nice binary file in your directory now. Most likely its a .arc or .zoo file to=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Floating Point Number Plotting... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From: nino@vmars.tuwien.ac.at (Marinos Yannikos) I need a program, which can read floating-point numbers in ASCII representation (eg. "0.333\n0.442...") and use them for plotting functions (the numbers are the function values). I need to be able to display a 3d-height field (a function F: [0,1]x[0,1]->R) and a 2d-grid with several functions plotted at the same time. The output should be a GEM .IMG. Does anyone know such a program? What about Gnuplot? ---------- From: timg@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Tim Gallivan) I believe the ST port of Gnuplot does everything you mention, except output in IMG format. It does, however, have postscript output, which can be printed or converted to IMG using ghostscript. Unfortunately the axis labels and other text produced by gnuplot are not exactly beautiful. I have used Gnuplot on the ST a fair amount, and it seems quite stable. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Ctrl-Alt-Del Warmstarts on A Pre-TOS 1.4 Machine =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From: SML108@psuvm.psu.edu Hi, has anyone ever written a utility to add ctrl-alt-del warmstarts to TOS 1.2 and earlier? I'd like to be able to reset without the modem hanging up... ---------- From: mbernar@erenj.com (Marcelino Bernardo) There is a hardware trick you can do, which I've been using with my 1040STf (I'm sure it has TOS 1.2). If you toggle the state of the monitor sense pin in the monitor connector the ST reboots without disconnecting the modem (I think it disconnects by turning the DTR off during reset). Since I have a multisync monitor connected to my ST with a homemade switch box, this is easy for me to do. The other thing you might do is to set your modem to ignore the state of DTR. In my modem, a Multitech, which is Hayes compatible, switch 1 in the 8- sition switch is used to force DTR on at all times. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// No Floppies, No Sound, Now What? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From: nrc@cbnews.cb.att.com (N. Richard Caldwell) I have an Atari ST that boots up showing no disk drives on the desktop. I have an old diagnostic cartrige and it says "No Floppies" when I try to test the drives. It also fails to produce any sound during the audio tests. It's been a while since I've fiddled with these things. Does this indicate a problem with the Western Digital chip or the Yamaha chip? How much do these run and are their any good sources? ---------- From: wrighttj@uhura.aston.ac.uk (Auntie Tim) The floppies are run partly by the sound chip (I _think_ it takes the clock from it) so that's probably broken. Try tapping the thing a few times... (Well, I've got a six year old STm and that's how I get it to work :) No sound suggests a dead Yamaha chip, which handles drive select lines and other stuff for the floppies as well as sound. -----n when the prompt shows up) , move cursor up / move cursor down . select current article where the cursor is. while viewing articles, it's pretty much like 'less'. including: n next article = jump back to selecting articles again / like 'less' , search for a regular expression h help...or is it '?', i don't remember. well, try em both. R reply to this article via mail F create a 'followup' article (continue the thread) ----I see a uuencoded file, I want it, but how do I get it? part 2. Save away all parts (it might or might not have multiple parts) into one file, using 'S' in nn or using the merge function of your editor. (can I get any more vague?) then edit everything out upto the 'begin' and everything after 'end'. save away the new file. type: ------------ unix% uudecode unix% ------------ Not much happened, but it's all done. You should have a nice binary file in your directory now. Most likely its a .arc or .zoo file toell) Thanks to everyone who responded to my question about my ST which didn't recognize the disk drives and had no sound. I suspected that it was the Yamaha chip since as someone pointed out, it also provides the drive select lines. I intended to heat up each of the solder joints before replacing the chip but I figured I'd tap around on it a bit first. I had already reseated and tapped on everthing else, the Yamaha chip is hidden under my memory upgrade board. A few taps on the Yamaha chip and the machine booted up just fine. Sound and drive access is back to normal. It sounds like I probably have a poor connection to the sound chip so if the problem resurfaces I'll just resolder it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //// Transfering ST Files From a Unix Workstation =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- From: jans@candida.nada.kth.se (Jan Snellman) A few days ago, I posted a question about how to transfer files from a UNIX workstation to my newly bought Atari. Thanks to the helpful letters (and post) I received, I succeded in this venture. As m0ali001@ulkyvx.louisville.edu (M Ali) pointed out, the trick is to transfer the files to LOW DENSITY (720k) PC floppies, which appearently the Atari manages to read. I used Apple fileconverter to do this. An email from toef@ukc.ac.uk (Tom Fuegi) verified this, and he furthermore recommended me to henceforth use my terminal program to transfer files. I certainly will, as soon as I understand the Kermit mode of UniTerm. He thought it wise to grap the file /atari/starter.tos at atari.archive.umich.edu so that I should be able to unpack files locally on my Atari; however I think I will use the UNIX versions of zoo et cetera and do the unpacking on my SUN. Chris.Forker@newcastle.ac.uk on the other hand pointed out a more direct route. He said, I quote: >If you can transfer information too a PC form your SPARCII then you >can also transfer info to the Atari. Just insert a disc from the Atari >into the SPARC and use your local method for mounting the floppy on >the Sun. You will now be able to transfer data from the Sun onto the >floppy. Un-mount the floppy drive when you have finished, then eject. >Take the disk to the Atari, and with any luck you should have all the >files you copied. When you move files from the Atari to the Sun using >the procedure as above, do not forget to use the command `dos2unix'. >This will make the files readable by UNIX. The Atari uses the same >format as the PC in placing `^M' at the end of each line.. ... >PS- my commands are >1) to mount the floppy: mount-fd >2) to unmount the the floppy: umount-fd >3) to ejetc the disc: eject >4) the floppy drive is : /pcfs >5) just use standard UNIX commands to access /pcfs I have not tried this, but the manual entry for pcfs says DESCRIPTION PCFS is a filesystem type that allows users direct access to files on MS-DOS formatted disks from within the SunOS operating system. Once mounted, a PCFS filesystem provides ...etc, and generally supports Chris's claim. I did not know this. I thought the floppy was located somewhere under /dev/rsd0... You learn something every time you ask ):. --==--==--==--==-- ||| ||| Developing News: Important items from TOS platform developers / | \ ------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Diamond Edge 1.03 Upgrade Patch =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= February 16, 1993 Oregon Research Associates has released a patch to upgrade Diamond Edge 1.02 to version 1.03 on GEnie and CompuServe. This patch is considered essential for all users of Diamond Edge and Oregon Research Associates strongly urges all owners to upgrade to version 1.03 immediately. This upgrade provides two enhancements: enhanced large screen monitor support and a bug fix to Disk Medic. The Disk Medic bug only occurs during certain severe directory corruption causing all of the lost clusters to be saved into a single file. This upgrade patch allows lost clusters to be saved as individual files - increasing the possibility of recovery. When utilizing Diamond Edge version 1.02 or earlier, if you receive a report of thousands of duplicate files or corrupted directory entries, the disk or partition has suffered severe directory corruption. This problem is generally correctable, but attempting to do so with version 1.02 or earlier may lead to additional corruption of the data. Version 1.03 fixes the bug in Disk Medic, thereby allowing correct recovery of the data from the corrupted disk or partition. It should be noted that this type of corruption is a rare occurance. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Straight FAX 1.07 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Suggested Retail: <<$69.95>> Upgrade Price: $2.00 The release of version 1.07 of Straight FAX, by NewSTar Technology Management and distributed by Toad Computers, will be released shortly. To obtain the upgrade, send $2.00 and your original disk to Toad Computers at the address provided below. You may also download it from the Toad Computer bulletin board free after requesting it from the SysOp. Registered owners of Straight FAX on GEnie whose email addresses are known will receive the upgrade automatically. For further information, contact Toad Computers, 570-F Gov Ritchie Hwy, Severna Park, MD, 21146. Technical support and upgrade requests can be mailed to the address above or by calling (410) 544-6943 or by FAX (410) 544-1329. Online, a message may be left on the Toad Bulletin Board at (410) 544- 6999. Inquiries and upgrades may be sent to TOAD-SERV. on GEnie; or, on CompuServe, at 72470,1605. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// A Day at the Races =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Team Software is the developer of a comprehensive horse racing simulation, entitled A Day at the Races (ADAR), with a wide range of features. Whether or not you are a horse racing fan, you can enjoy either single or mulit-player race simulations. With up to 15 players, you can play the game "head to head", or amuse your guests during a party. A Day at the Races requires a color monitor (or TV) and may be installed on a hard drive since the program is not copy-protected. The features of A Day at the Races include: o Racing information databases are appended and modified during play, including up to 50 jockeys, 500 horses and 15 players. o Each jockey and horse has their own distinct attributes, strengths and weaknesses. o Players may buy and sell horses through auctions, outright sales, purchases, and claiming races. o A racing session may be designed by the user, randomly by the computer, or in tandem. o A racing session consists of up to 9 races with up to 9 entries per race. Their are several factors invloved when setting up for a horse race. Some of these factors are: the horses and the jockey's riding them, the race type (claiming, maiden, allowance, handicap), race length, and the type of special wager (win, place, show, daily double, exacta, big exacta, quinella, trifecta, and jackpot). As a new player, you start out with $1000 with two basic ways to increase your funds. The first is to own a horse; entering the horse in races and winning one of the first four spots provides you with a share of the purse. Although this can bring in a large amount of money, their are associated expenses for owning, caring and racing a horse - including stable and jockey fees. The second method is by wagering on races. Just as in real horse races, there are many things to consider when handicapping horses: track conditions, post position, past performance, weight of the jockey, length of the race, the jockey's skill, health of the horse, class of race, and many more. The actual race is presented in real-time, smooth scrolling animation. A major part of the racing simulation is the abundance of statistical information that is available. Fourteen different reports may be output to the screen or the printer. Some of these reports are: Horse Standings, Jockey Standings, Player Standings, the Racing Form, and the Racing Program. A Day at the Races also keeps track of a Hall of Fame list for players, horses and jockeys. As jockeys retire and horses go to pasture, they are automatically added to their respective lists if they have enough wins. As a simulation of the race track, A Day at the Races makes a great learning tool for horse racing enthusiasts just starting out. The program remains true to life in many of the racing aspects. Included in the documentation booklet are definitions of many of the words and phrases used at the track. ADAR is an entertainment product that may be enjoyed by a wide range of users: horse racing fans, people wanting to learn about the track, sports fans, fans of simulations, users who want a game that can be played at a party, and people who simply want a fun computer game. For more information, contact TEAM Software P.O. Box 7332 Washington, DC 20044-7332. Or, by phone, call (703) 533-2132. For FAX, (703) 538- 4598. Inquiries may also be sent online, via GEnie to MLAKE; on CompuServe at 73717,3174; or on Internet at mlake@irscscm.uucp uucp ...!uunet!media!irscscm!mlake or ...!uunet!mimsy!bogart!irscscm!mlake. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Maxwell CPU has moved =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Maxwell CPU, creators of Silhouette, has moved. The new address for the company is: Maxwell CPU 1533 Meyer's Station Road Odenton MD, 21113 Phone: (301) 261-0637 However, correspondence and upgrade requests for Silhouette should now be sent to Toad Computers - see the press release below! To contact Tim Reyes of Maxwell CPU, you may send inquiries to T.REYES on GEnie or 75300,674 on CompuServe. Alternately, you may leave an inquiry on the Toad Computers bulletin board. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Silhouette Colortrace 1.5 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Suggested Retail: $119.95 Upgrade Price: $25.00 Severna Park, MD - February 16, 1993 Toad Computers of Severna Park, MD has acquired exclusive worldwide distribution and marketing rights to Silhouette Colortrace from Maxwell CPU. Extensive marketing in the United States, Canada and Europe is planned. Silhouette Colortrace, formerly known as Silhouette and developed by Maxwell CPU, is a vector and bit mapped graphics package offering many unique graphics tools for advanced users. Now, besides monochrome artwork, you can add color to the mix; creating original vector or bit mapped graphics or edit existing graphics. A new, upgraded, bitmap to vector conversion process supports color graphics. This new process is optimized to have reduced memory requirements - taking less of your valuable RAM. With the soon to be released Speedo GDOS, standard Bitstream fonts can also be included in your graphics. Speedo GDOS text may be converted to modifiable vector objects - a feature that allows for the creation of custom logos and other text effects! Silhouette Colortrace exports standard monochrome and color file formats like Illustrator EPS (for use with Pagestream), GEM metafiles and Calamus CVG. With the latest version, color support in TT030 medium (16 colors) resolution and Falcon030 16 and 256 color modes has been added. Monochrome support exists in either 640 x 400 or 1280 x 960 pixel resolutions. Additional features of Silhouette Colortrace include: y Takes advantage of TT medium and Falcon 16 and 256 color graphics modes (even overscan). y Outputs to color GEM metafiles, Calamus CVG, and Illustrator EPS formats (for use with PageStream). y Color or monochrome bitmap to vector conversion with upgraded features and reduced memory requirements. y Import and Export Calamus vector CVG files. y Supports the Atari Clipboard for application sharing of IMG and GEM files. y Supports GEM 3 Bezier Metafiles. y Magnification of vector or bit images up to 16 times with grid and ruler systems. y Separate bit-image and vector windows with the ability to import bit-images into the vector window. y Allows warping of objects along a curve. y Advanced duplication methods allow control of object width, height, rotation, line width, gray scale, duplicate distribution. Use separate sizing and rotation reference points. y Supports printing through GDOS. y Supports Dr. Bob's ScanLite to allow direct scanning into the bit-image window. y Advanced drawing tools: lines, polylines, b-splines, beziers, polygons, stars, circles, ellipses, elliptical and circular arcs, spraycan, parabolas, round boxes (with adjustable rounded edges), rectangles, flood fill and more! Silhouette Colortrace has a suggested retail price of $119.95. However, for a limited time only, advance orders will be accepted at $99.95 (including shipping). Toad Computers will provide technical support and upgrades to current Silhouette users via phone, mail and online - through their own bulletin board and via GEnie and CompuServe. To utilize the Toad Computers BBS, call (410) 544-6999. The bulletin board operates at 300 to 14,400 baud with eight bits, no parity and two stop bits. Registered owners of Silhouette 1.25 or higher may upgrade to Silhouette Colortrace (version 1.5) for $15 + $3 shipping and handling. Please send payment and your original disk to the address below - making sure to add 'Silhouette Upgrade'. Alternately, registered owners of Silhouette may obtain the upgrade by calling the Toad Computers bulletin board (as mentioned above) and download it. In order to do so, you must provide a Visa, MasterCard or Discover card account number and expiration date to the SysOp. A charge of just $15 will be assessed to your credit card. You may also download the upgrade after sending the same information to Toad Computers on GEnie or CompuServe at the addresses listed below. Please note that the upgrade price for Silhouette Colortrace will change after April 20, 1993 to $25. Silhouette Colortrace is expected to be shipped in approxiamately five weeks. For further information, contact Toad Computers, (if upgrading add 'Silhouette Upgrade'), 570-F Gov Ritchie Hwy, Severna Park, MD, 21146. Alternately, credit card orders may be placed by calling (800) 448-TOAD (448-8623). Technical support and upgrade requests can be mailed to the address above or by calling (410) 544-6943 or by FAX (410) 544- 1329. Please note that technical support will not be provided on the 800 line. Online, a message may be left on the Toad Bulletin Board at (410) 544- 6999. Inquiries and upgrades may be sent to TOAD-SERV. on GEnie; or, on CompuServe, at 72470,1605. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// SoundLab 1.1 Demo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SoundLab version 1.1 has just been uploaded to GEnie! Damian Jones, of DMJ-GIF fame, has recently upgraded SounLab adding many new features that you should not be without. These new features include: o GEM fileselector and accessory support. o DigiSound hardware support. o Automatic find for block start and end. o More sample formats - WAV, SMP, and others. o Faster edit routines. You may download the unregistered version, try it and if it meets your needs, register for just $20. Registered users receive a full program, the printed manual, and source code to play the music in the background of your own programs in GFA Basic, C, or Assembly. All of this on a regular, unmodified ST - you don't have to own a STe, TT030 or Falcon030 to take advantage of background sound. Help support the shareware concept by registering today! An guarantee quality software's continued developement! For more information, or to register, send mail to Damien M. Jones, PSC 8 Box 657, APO AE 09109. --==--==--==--==-- ###### PMC UPDATE ###### CompuCycle/CompuNews ###### --------------------------------------------------------------- CompuCycle (TM): Saving the Environment CompuNews (TM): Informing the Community Bellevue, WA - Purple Mountain Computers (PMC) has developed a recycling program for computer books, magazines and software. Users can buy, sell and trade their unwanted items for ones they do want. Trial testing of the CompuCycle (TM) program has been a success. All computers are supported including PC, Mac, Amiga, Atari ST and 8 bit, Apple, Commodore 64, CP/M, and others. Book topics include a wide range of subjects including programming and tutorials. Our inventory includes over 10,500 computer books/magazines and 1,100 programs. Wharehouses are located in Washington and California for quick delivery. We believe that everyone can benefit from this program. Users will pay less for software and can turn unused programs and books into cash or wanted items. And society will benefit from the utilization of our current resources, instead of wasting new ones. PMC publishes CompuNews (TM) which includes the list of available recycled software. It also has current news and fascinating articles (the next issue includes an interview with members of the Floptical Technology Association). CompuNews (TM) is free to anyone who requests it. Thousands of books are listed on disk to conserve paper; this disk catalog is available for just $1. Software is listed in CompuNews (TM) which is free. Users can make requests by contacting us: Purple Mountain Computers, Inc. (PMC) 15600 NE 8th St. Ste. A3-412 Bellevue, WA 98008 (206) 399-8700 GEnie E-mail: PMC.INC CompuServe: 72567,302 ###### PERUSING GENIE ###### Compiled and Edited By Ed Krimen ###### --------------------------------------------------------------- HERE IT COMES!! --------------- -=> In the "Atari Corporation Online" category (14) -=> from the "FALCON 030 - Help and Questions" topic (41) Message 89 Thu Feb 25, 1993 B.REHBOCK [BILL@ATARI] at 03:11 EST Curt, et al, March is looking good, I agree with James. March, but I don't know about the first week. It would make me happy too! The dealer rep thing is in full swing and we are finalizing our new dealer agreement and program right now. Things are really looking up. Small announcement... now that things are starting to move with Falcon030 and SpeedoGDOS, MultiTOS, Atari Works are "products", Jack has requested that my attention now turn to North America. To paraphrase Sam and Jack: "The U.S. is critical to our world-wide strategy; we want things to go right in the U.S. and the more hands available, the better." The main point is that Jack and Sam are _really_ serious about this North American thing. That's really good news. I will be doing more computer dealer relations, as well as working on dealer and rep training with James Grunke. This is in addition, of course, to the U.S. developer stuff that's on my plate now. :-) ---------- Message 140 Tue Mar 02, 1993 B.REHBOCK [BILL@ATARI] at 05:32 EST The timeframe for Falcon's hitting North America always did work out to mid-to-late March (my Birthday is March 26th, BTW. :-) Things are still looking good, but naturally, we're all sweating big time here in Sunnyvale, as having things scheduled to hit in that time frame means that if they come in too close to the end, and the last week of March being a half-week, doesn't give much margin for error, as the last week of March is the first half-week of April and we _really_, _really_, really, want this to hit "on time". :-) I spoke with the V.P. of Manufacturing today, who is just back from Taiwan making sure everything is "go" for the North American run, and he assured me things look great. Let's keep our fingers crossed. Regarding monitors... The JVC, Samsung, Goldstar, and Phillips monitors all look great with the Falcon030. I use a JVC everyday to play, er... demo and test Llamazap and Steel Talons. Brad: If your Hard Drive has a ACSI host adapter, it needs to be disconnected and you simply need the appropriate cable to go from your drives to the SCSI II connector on the Falcon. For instance, all I did was disconnect the cable from the H/A inside my ICD FaST HD/Tape box, then connect a SCSI II to C50 cable between the Falcon030 and the C50 connector that's on the back of the ICD box. -Bill@Atari Oh, the Falcon does work with SM124 monitors, also. ===================================== WHERE'S THE STORM? ------------------ -=> In the "Double Click Software" category (30) -=> from the "The STORM" topic (14) Message 105 Tue Mar 02, 1993 T.MCCOMB [=Tom=] at 00:52 EST What is the current status of Storm?? I was really looking forward to it. -Tom McComb {12:49 am} Tuesday, March 2, 1993 ---------- Message 106 Tue Mar 02, 1993 POTECHIN [Nathan] at 09:36 EST Once upon a time Alan had an arrangement with Double-Click. Then Double -Click vanished into the twilight zone. I heard that Neil at Atari Advantage got involved but not a thing since. I am not certain, but sadly, I don't think Alan has heard anything either. :-( I will try and remember to ask him next time I see him or perhaps he'll drop by and say hi right here. Nathan@DMC ---------- Message 108 Tue Mar 02, 1993 J.NESS [Jim] at 18:54 EST Alan did not have a real job until just recently. He is now working for a Canadian software company (Nathan's business partner, I think? or something similar) called Ditek. He has said he would not have time for awhile, to work on STorm, which to this point is a VERY nice telecom program, especially for MultiTOS users. He has said that, as soon as his Ditek work load settles down, he'll get back to STorm. -JN ---------- Message 109 Tue Mar 02, 1993 POTECHIN [Nathan] at 19:05 EST Alan is indeed working at Ditek International. Most people will recognize Ditek as the developers of DynaCADD! Has anyone heard anything from Mike Vederman or Neil Symms lately? I did meet with Alan today briefly and I did ask. He hasn't heard a word from them either. Sigh. Nathan@DMC ---------- Message 111 Wed Mar 03, 1993 DITEK [David] at 02:59 EST Close Jim... but no cigar. :-) Ditek and DMC are totally unrelated companies. The workload at Ditek never seems to settle down. :-/ ---------- Message 113 Wed Mar 03, 1993 SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 22:36 EST For some reason "PAPERCLIP ELITE" just flashed in my mind... ---------- Message 114 Wed Mar 03, 1993 T.MCCOMB [=Tom=] at 23:40 EST I wish another Dev would pick it up, it sounded dynamite. -Tom McComb {11:32 pm} Wednesday, March 3, 1993 ---------- Message 116 Thu Mar 04, 1993 SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 19:53 EST I saw Storm at Glendale and I liked it a lot. I thought it would end up like this, too. So it goes. When it missed the December 7th release date I started to worry. When there were no more news updates on it I put it in my "it'll be nice if and when it happens" category. Maybe I'll start a topic called ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST. Let's see... there was Paperclip Elite, TT tower, ST expansion box, the Amy chip, ST- Talk Pro (update), Zoomracks III, PC Ditto II... That's good for at least a few messages. Anyway, I saw STORM and it worked pretty well and Alan's efforts in Flash! were great so I'll look forward to BUYING the program when it's released. I haven't given up hope yet. ---------- Message 117 Thu Mar 04, 1993 SANDY.W [sysop] at 21:21 EST I haven't given up hope yet. Alan did say he intended to keep working on Storm, but absolutely no promises as to time frame. The program does have a lot of potential. Maybe some day. ===================================== COUPLE O' TIPS FOR SL --------------------- -=> In the "ISD/DMC Product Support" category (16) -=> from the "Calamus SL" topic (20) Message 55 Wed Feb 17, 1993 POTECHIN [Nathan] at 13:17 EST Although the next version of Calamus SL released will contain an extra pull-down menu for selecting document windows, this is also possible in the existing version, albeit not quite so elegantly. I have a feeling it is one of those undocumented features that we all missed. :-) Try opening several document windows (7 is the maximum allowable) and click on the close-box at the upper left hand corner of the window, while pressing down the key. Calamus will not close the document. Instead, it will toggle between the existing document windows. In the same vein, but discussed previously, holding down the combination of will interrupt a screen redraw. A new redraw can be forced at any time by selecting the key. Nathan ===================================== UNICODE FOR ATARI COMPUTERS --------------------------- -=> In the "Atari Corporation Online" category (14) -=> from the "MultiTOS" topic (34) Message 97 Tue Feb 23, 1993 J.FRENCH2 [James French] at 01:45 EST In the February 1993 issue of Byte I read about a proposed standard called Unicode. Unicode would be a 2-byte standard for character sets that would "allow encoding of all the major world languages, including Chinese and Japanese". Is Atari moving towards Unicode compliance for Multi-Tos? As a customer I would certainly like to see this. The article also implies that Windows NT will be Unicode compliant. (Byte Feb.1993, "Correspondence that Looks Good Globally", pg.220) ---------- Message 98 Tue Feb 23, 1993 B.REHBOCK [BILL@ATARI] at 11:41 EST One of the reasons for going to the Bitstream Speedo font scaler was its inherent ability to handle 16-bit character sets. The VDI already supports passing 16-bit values into the v_gtext and v_ftext calls. As Unicode and the ISO-Shift Japanese standards pan out, we will be able to easily support them. -Bill@Atari ===================================== ###### THE 1993 Z*NET COMPUTER CALENDAR ###### Schedule of Shows, Events and Online Conferences ###### ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### March 1993 CeBIT, the world's largest computer show with 5,000 exhibitors in 20 halls, is held annually in Hannover, Germany. Atari traditionally struts its newest wares there, usually before it's seen in the USA or anywhere else. In '93, the Atari 040 machines should be premiering, and this is the likely venue. Third party developers also use this show to introduce new hardware and software, so expect a wave of news from CeBIT every year. Atari Corp and the IAAD coordinate cross-oceanic contacts to promote worldwide marketing of Atari products, and this show is an annual touchstone of that effort. Contact Bill Rehbock at Atari Corp for information at 408-745-2000. ### March 5, 1993 RTC in the GEnie ST Roundtable. "Dateline Atari" with Bob Brodie. This is a regular monthly conference held by Atari. Discussions usually pertain to the latest Atari releases and updates. Conference begins at 10pm EST. Type M475;2 at any GEnie prompt to attend. ### March 13-14, 1993 The Sacramento Atari Computer Exposition is to be sponsored by the Sacramento Atari ST Users Group (SST) at the Towe Ford Museum in Sacramento, California. A major two day effort, the SAC show is being held in the special events area of the Towe Ford Museum, home of the worlds most complete antique Ford automobile collection. As an added bonus, admission to the museum is free when you attend the Expo. The museum is located at the intersection of Interstates 5 and 80, just 15 minutes from the Sacramento Metropolitan Airport. Contact Nick Langdon (Vendor Coordinator) C/O SST, P.O. Box 214892, Sacramento, CA 95821- 0892, phone 916-723-6425, GEnie: M.WARNER8, ST-Keep BBS (SST) 916-729- 2968. ### March 15-16, 1993 Lap & Palmtop Mobile Computing Expo at the New York Hilton Hotel in New York City. Exhibitors will show the latest in mobile computing, software, pen, peripherals and communications from the industry's leading manufacturers. In conjunction with the exhibits is the Mobile Systems Solutions Conference series. Featuring over 80 leading industry experts speakers, the conference provides vital information needed to build or improve your world of mobile computing. ### March 16, 1993 RTC in the GEnie HOSB (Home Office Small Business) Rountable. "Multilevel Marketing". Conference starts at 10:00 pm EST. ### March 16-19, 1993 Image World - Washington DC at the Sheraton Washington. ### March 20, 1993 Philadelphia, PA area group PACS is holding their 16th annual Computer Festival from 9 AM til 4 PM. It will be a multi-computer show with Atari showings by the PACS Atari SIG's, NEAT, CDACC, and JACS clubs. The Fest is to be at the Drexel University Main Building, 32nd and Chestnut Streets in Pennsylvania. Contact for Atari display: Alice P. Christie, 207 Pontiac Street, Lester, PA 19029, 215-521-2569, or 215- 951-1255 for general info. ### March 21-24, 1993 Interop Spring '93 in Washington DC. ### March 30 - April 1, 1993 Intermedia 93 at the San Jose Convention Center, San Jose CA. ### May 3-5, 1993 Digital Video New York/MultiMedia Exposition at the New York Sheraton in New York City. ### May 4-5, 1993 The 3rd Annual Networks and Communications Show returns to the Hartford Civic Center. Companies such as Intel, Microsoft, DEC, DCA, IBM, and MICOM will be exhibiting. For more information, contact: Marc Sherer at Daniels Productions, 203-561-3250; fax: 203-561-2473. ### May 11-13, 1993 SunWorld '93 exposition and conference, held in San Francisco at the Moscone Center. The second annual event is the largest trade show in North America dedicated to the Sun, SPARC and Solaris industry. SunWorld '93 will feature a full day of in-depth tutorials, which are being developed in association with Sun Educational Services, to be followed by three days of conference sessions and an exposition. The three-day exposition will feature more than 175 leading vendors in the industry including Adobe Systems, AT&T, Computer Associates, Hewlett- Packard, Informix Software, Insoft, SAS Institute, Solbourne, SPARC International, Sun Microsystems, SunPro, SunSoft and WordPerfect. For more information about attending SunWorld '93 call Lynn Fullerton at (800) 225-4698 or to receive information about exhibiting contact David Ferrante at (800) 545-EXPO. ### May 22-23, 1993 Pacific Northwest Atari show will be held in Vancouver Canada. The Vantari User Group will be sending out developers kits in the very near future with more details and pricing. The show will be held in the Metrotown Centre Mall, which is the 2nd largest in Canada with over 400 stores. The traffic in the mall is amazing! In addition the Holiday Inn Hotel is attached to the mall as well so travel time is nil. If you have any questions in the meantime leave email (G.Norton) on GEnie. ### June 12-13, 1993 (NEW LISTING) CT Atarifest '93 at the Windsor Court Hotel in Windsor Connecticut. This year the Atarifest has relocated to a new hotel with excellent room rates ($35.00 per room), free and plentiful parking, easy access from Interstate 91, I-95, I-90, I-84, I-80, an in house Sports Bar, a bigger ballroom and is located just 1 mile from Bradley International Airport (free shuttle service for hotel guests). Tentative commitments from A&D Software, Gribnif Software, Barefoot Software, Toad Computers, Computer Studio, Baggetaware, Derric Electronics, E.Hartford Computer Repair, MegaType Software, Wizztronics and GFA Software Technology. For further information, call Brian Gockley at 203-332-1721 or Doug Finch at 203-637 -1034. E-mail can be directed to B.GOCKLEY or D.FINCH7 on GEnie or to 75300,2514 or 76337,1067 on CIS. ### June 22-23, 1993 Lap & Palmtop Mobile Computing Expo at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, California. Exhibitors will show the latest in mobile computing, software, pen, peripherals and communications from the industry's leading manufacturers. In conjunction with the exhibits is the Mobile Systems Solutions Conference series. Featuring over 80 leading industry experts speakers, the conference provides vital information needed to build or improve your world of mobile computing. ### June 26-27, 1993 (DATE CHANGE!!!) The Kansas City AtariFest '93. The location for the show is Stadium Inn, 7901 E 40 Hwy. Ticket prices at the door will be 5.00 dollars each day. Advance tickets will be 4.00 dollars each, for advance tickets, please send 4.00 dollars per ticket to: Kansas City AtariFest, P.O. Box 1653, Lee Summit, MO 64063 or if you belong to a user group please mail a request for a user group information pack. To make room reservations please call 1-800-325-7901, we are also working with a local travel agent to get special airfares for the show. You may call 1-800-874-7691 to take advantage of the special fares. For more information please leave Email as follows; GEnie, B.welsch, J.krzysztow, for CompuServe, Leave for Jeff Krzysztow at 74027,707, or you can call (816)224-9021, or mail to the address listed above. ### August 3-6, 1993 MacWorld Expo at the Boston World Trade Center, Bayside Exposition Center and sponsored by MacWorld Magazine. This event is titled Boston '93. ### September 18-19, 1993 The Glendale Show returns with the Southern California Atari Computer Faire, V.7.0, in suburban Los Angeles, California. This has been the year's largest domestic Atari event, year after year. Contact John King Tarpinian at the user group HACKS at 818-246-7286 for information. ### September 20-22, 1993 The third MacWorld Expo, titled Canada '93 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, sponsored by MacWorld Magazine. ### September 21-23, 1993 Unix Expo '93 in New York City, New York. ### October 7-8, 1993 Lap & Palmtop Mobile Computing Expo at the Chicago Mart/Expo Center in Chicago, Illinois. Exhibitors will show the latest in mobile computing, software, pen, peripherals and communications from the industry's leading manufacturers. In conjunction with the exhibits is the Mobile Systems Solutions Conference series. Featuring over 80 leading industry experts speakers, the conference provides vital information needed to build or improve your world of mobile computing. ### October 27-29, 1993 CDROM Exposition at the World Trade Center, Boston MA. ### October 27-29, 1993 EDA&T Asia '93. The Electronic Design and Test Conference Exhibition at the Taipei International Convention Center in Taiwan. Exhibit space is still available. For more information contact: Betsy Donahue, Chicago, fax: 708-475-2794. ### November 7-10, 1993 GeoCon/93, an international conference and showcase for software products developed outside the U.S. at the Royal Sonesta Hotel, Cambridge, Mass. The conference program will include three days of workshops on topics of interest to overseas developers entering the U.S. market. Workshop presenters will discuss such issues as how to negotiate distribution and licensing contracts, setting up a business in the U.S., manufacturing and fulfillment, technical support, packaging, research sources, and how to market through direct, retail, and catalog channels. For additional information, contact Tom Stitt, associate publisher, Soft letter, 17 Main St., Watertown, Mass. 02272-9154; telephone 617-924-3944; fax 617-924-7288, or Colleen O'Shea, director, Soft letter Europe, 2 um Bierg, 7641 Chirstnach, Luxembourg, telephone 35.2.87119; fax 35.2.87048. ### November 15-19, 1993 COMDEX Fall '93. Las Vegas Nevada. If you have an event you would like to include on the Z*Net Calender, please send email via GEnie to Z-NET, CompuServe 75300,1642, or via FNET to node 593 or AtariNet node 51:1/13.0. Show listings are also published in AtariUser Magazine. ###### FALCON030 MEMORY - Is 1 Meg Enough?? ###### By Len Stys ###### --------------------------------------------------------------- The Falcon030 "personal integrated media" system was designed to be a contender in the home multi-media market. Atari's engineers made the Falcon so that it is excellent at mixing high resolution graphics with better than CD-quality sound. This is absolutely necessary for the system to have any chance of success in this area. Multi-tasking is another important part of multi-media and thanks to "Multi-TOS", the Falcon030 now has this capability. The Falcon030 is also the first low-cost personal computer to have a DSP chip and port. The DSP will allow the Falcon030 to do things that are impossible to do on other multi-media systems. And lastly, at $799, the Falcon030 is priced as a mass market product to sell in large quantities. Atari's management must have felt that the more systems that sell, the more market share Atari captures. This is smart thinking since the more market share Atari captures, the more systems that sell. So, where's the problem? The problem is that Atari's mass market Falcon 030 at $799 only comes with 1 Meg of memory. The Falcon030 with 1 Meg is pretty much the same as a Mega STe. Programmers cannot really use the Falcon's enhanced graphics and sound with this amount of memory. Let's look at what it would take to make a video game in the resolution of 384x480 in "true color": To display a still screen: 384 x 480 x 16 / 8 = 368,640k (369k) Animation requires two screens to reduce flicker. This is called "double buffering": 737k The computer already uses 737k of memory WITHOUT any game logic code, sprite data, sound effect data, and operating system overhead. If all of this was taken into consideration, a video game in this resolution would need close to 2 Megs. Let's look at what it would take to make a video game in the resolution of 640x480 (PC games) in "true color": To display a still screen: 640 x 480 x 16 / 8 = 614,400k (614k) Double Buffering: 1.2 Mb Add the game logic code, sprite data, sound effects, and operating system overhead. The minimum amount of memory needed to produce a game in this resolution with these colors would be 3 Megs. The only thing you could do with 1 Meg of memory in these resolutions and colors is display still pictures. And even though a lot of people do this, I am sure most people would like to use these resolutions for other things besides viewing pictures. The Falcon030 with 1 Meg is also incapable of multi-tasking. And as mentioned previously, multi-tasking is a very important part of multi- media. On Saturday, January 23, 1993, Eric Smith, author of MiNT and programmer of Multi-TOS wrote in the "Atari Corporation Online" category (14) on GEnie: "Just to inject a bit more reality into this: even if MultiTOS is free, it still won't be on everybody's machine right away or even at all. The present version of MultiTOS is loaded into RAM, and that means in practice that you need 2 megabytes of memory to use it (and 4 megabytes is a lot more comfortable). Also, it's really targetted for the 68030 machines; on a 68000 it will be somewhat sluggish and will also lack memory protection (i.e. it won't be as safe). Eventually we hope to have a ROM version of it, but for now it *is* a memory hog." Atari's mass market home multi-media system soon becomes just another ordinary single-tasking, low-resolution, mediocre sounding, personal computer. The argument that you can always add memory to take advantage of these features is silly. Can you imagine a company selling a product for a certain purpose with intent that the consumer get it expanded before he or she can use it for what it was created for? Besides, most of the consumers purchasing the Falcon030 will be people that are unfamiliar with computers. How is a dealer going to explain to a consumer that the computer he or she wishes to buy for $799 needs to be expanded for an additional $200 before it can be used for multi-media? Let's suppose that most of the Falcon030 systems sold were the 1 Meg configuration. We can assume that many of these Falcon owners will not expand to 4 Megs much like many 520 ST owners did not expand to 1 Meg or greater. Most developers will write software for the 1 Meg configuration since they will want their software to be purchased by as many users as possible. The developer may have to use a lower resolution or less sound then he or she wishes. The software may not be fantastic, but at least it will run on a 1 Meg machine. The developer then writes the same software for the Commodore A1200. But since the lowest amount of memory that the A1200 is sold with is 2 Megs, the developer can use a better resolution or add some things not on the Falcon030 version. A consumer looking to purchase a personal computer will see that the A1200 has better software and will purchase it over the Falcon030. What happens if developers ignore the 1 Meg Falcon030 computers and just write software for the 4 Meg machine? The new computer user will find that most of the software for their computer will not work without more memory. What do you think their feelings will be towards Atari for selling them a system that needs to be expanded? In order to find out what Atari users and programmers thought of the Falcon030 memory, I posted a questionnaire on the Usenet comp.sys.atari.st newsgroup. There were 34 responses. These are the questions and results: Do you believe there should be a Falcon030 without memory? No: 82.35% Yes: 17.65% What do you believe should be the lowest amount of memory sold with the Falcon030? 1 Meg: 17.65% 2 Meg: 17.65% 4 Meg: 64.70% Do you believe there should be a Falcon030 memory configuration between 4 megs and 14 megs? No: 23.53% Yes: 76.47% If so, how much: 6 Meg: 5.88% 8 Meg: 64.70% No: 23.53% Anything: 11.76% What configurations would you choose? Falcon030 1 Meg: 11.76% Falcon030 4 Meg: 23.53% Falcon030 4 Meg/65 Mg HD: 64.70% (Atari Works & SpeedoGDOS) Does the Atari Works package influence your decision? No: 29.41% Yes: 70.59% Please note that the memory amounts between 4 Megs and 14 Megs were written in. There were no answers to choose from. Also, everyone that replied knows how to program computers. Many people felt that the Falcon030 should not be sold without memory because it would confuse new computer buyers. But others commented that this may not be a bad idea. If a user wishes to move from 4 Megs to 14 Megs then he or she can just sell their 4 Meg memory board to a friend that just purchased a Falcon030 without memory. This way, no memory boards are thrown away. Most people felt strongly that 4 Megs should be the minimum. The reasons given were similar to what was said above. A large number of people felt that there should be a memory configuration between 4 Megs and 14 Megs. The number that most people suggested was 8 Megs. They claim that they could use more than 4 Megs, but would not need 14 Megs. Atari's marketing department seems to be making a smart move by including Atari Works and SpeedoGDOS with the Falcon030 w/4 Meg/65 Meg HD system. This is because the addition of this software will influence 70% of the people that responded. About half the people commented about the hard drives that Atari is including with the Falcon030. A good number of these people said that 65 Megs is too small for their needs, but they would consider buying a larger Atari hard drive if they included Atari Works and SpeedoGDOS. These are the sizes that were suggested: 65 Megs, 120 Megs, and 200 Megs. Though, Atari's hard drives would need to be competitively priced with other hard drives. The general feeling is that if Atari wants to sell the Falcon030 as a home multi-media system, the company needs to sell it with more memory. If Atari can lower the Falcon030 4 Meg version to $899, the computer will most likely continue to be a mass market product. As of now, there are no known Falcon030 1 Meg configurations on the market. Maybe Atari's management has already thought of all of this. And if they haven't, maybe you will consider all of this before purchasing the Falcon030. ###### THE UNABASHED ATARIOPHILE ###### By Michael R. Burkley ###### --------------------------------------------------------------- Do you remember a few weeks ago I told you about how I often push against the deadline for this article? I said that I often worked right up to (and past) the deadline before I finished. That was when the deadline was on Thursday. You would think, wouldn't you, that since now this article isn't due until Saturday night that I would be able to finish on time? Noooo! Did you wonder why I didn't have an article in last Z*NET issue? Well, Dave Small talks about (and succeeds) in "pushing the envelope" on the ST. I guess I pushed a bit too hard and missed the deadline! OOPS! So...this week I'm bringing over a few of the games I reviewed last week in the review which didn't make it into Z*NET. I'm also going to mention most of the files I've downloaded this week. Let's get on with the show! First, files from two weeks ago: CUDLEE is Cud Lee's Quest v.1.0 by Robert Dytmire (dated Feb., 1993). ------ This game is basically a platform game aimed at the younger (10 years old or so) generation. Use the joystick to move our hero, Mr. Cudd Lee, through four different worlds (of 25 screens each). You move, jump, fight, and explore your worlds, trying to reach the exit and move on. By completing the game you save the poor lit'l elves (they need your help!). But wait! This game is more than sheer entertainment. It has an educational portion as well. The game can be configured to ask you questions each time you open a door or move from one world to another. It keeps track of your answers, too, and will return again and again to those questions with which you have difficulty. You can use the simple addition/subtraction questions that are included or create your own questions on any topic you wish (R.D. uses it to keep up to speed on his Calculus!). The game also has an Adult Mode, which increases the difficulty significantly. Color only. Docs included. SHAREWARE (and one which is going to cost me some money ). ST-- STE Compatible (at least). 512K RAM or more. DROPOUT is Dropout, another Extend-O-Save Module for Warp 9 by John ------- Eidsvoog. Dropout randomly pops little pieces out of the screen and drops them to the bottom. Then after all of the pieces have dropped out and a configurable length of time has passed with a blank screen, the original screen slides in from the top. After another pause, the whole process starts again. You can configure the module variables to your heart's content. ST--TT, any resolution. Docs included. INS180 is "The Inspector" v.1.80 by Daniel M. Wallin, Jr. (dated Feb. ------ 10, 1993). This is a program designed to help diagnose problems that may occur during the operation of your computer. Have you ever had your boot-up fail (again and again). You suspect that it is an .ACC, but you're not sure! The Inspector will tell you! It will will display a report showing what was being looked for, where it was expected to be, and the current subdirectory. It will also allow you to generate reports on your system continuously. This allows you to monitor the operating system when it is reading or writing files, or other disk operations. A special feature useful for debugging is also included that causes the operating system to totally ignore any desktop accessories (and this is without re-naming them in any way). In the Information Age, this program gives you information! Color or mono. ST--TT compatible. Docs included. JCCAL03 is JC-Calendar v0.3 by John Charles (dated January, 1993). JC ------- Calendar will print calendar pages to HP DJ500 printers or to many 24 pin printers which support 360dpi. There is also a built in routine to allow the use of 9 pin printers. This also includes a series of 12 Degas .PC3 drawings for use with your calendars (or you can use your own). You can include two lines of text at bottom of each calendar, choose from three included fonts for text display (different for the title and dates, if you wish), choose between a number of different boarders, and shade the weekends to set them apart. Docs and on-line help included. Mono only (or color with a mono emulator). I really like this program. JCCFNVU1 is JC-CFN-View v0.1 by John Charles (dated Jan., 1993). This -------- is a program that allows you to easily view all the characters in your Calamus CFN fonts which needs an ST running in high resolution, or with a mono emulator. The fonts are shown in outline only but that's enough to see if you want that font or not. It will only display non- encrypted fonts. Excellent! Docs included. Mouse controlled. JCLABL18 is JCLABEL v1.8 by John Charles (dated April, 1992) It is a -------- SHAREWARE label printer which works with a color or mono monitor (the download description says mono only, but trust me, OK?). Suitable for single or double column labels of various sizes. You enter up to 7 rows of 32 characters each. Save, sort, and print your labels. Configure your printer and then print your labels using batch or single label printing. There are spaces for up to 500 labels in a list, depending on how much free memory you have and what other programs you are running at the same time. Includes lots of disk utilities within the program as well! Mouse controlled. Docs included. A previous version of this program came to me with this endorsement: "Quite simply the best ever label printing program written for the ST. Written with a 'Frontend (TM)' interface [3D buttons and great looks,], it has a whole host of features - database, cut, paste, etc etc - better than ANY commerical offering." This version seems even better! ST/STe/TT compatible. JCVUE23 is JC View v.2.3 by John Charles (dated December 1992). If you _______ remember, I reviewed this just a few weeks ago. The author has gone and improved it tremendously, in my mind. This is a clip-Art viewer and clip manipulation program for the Atari ST which needs 1 meg of memory and only works in mono. With all the standard drawing tools (and then some like clip rotation and resizing) you can manipulate loaded files and/or create your own, and add text to your pictures (using either the desktop font or a custom font [.fnt] of your choice). You can even print them out (9 pin, DeskJet and other printer drivers included. It will load the following files: Degas *.PI3, Degas Elite *.PC3, STAD *.PAC, Tiny Stuffed *.TN3, Sticker *.ADD, Printmaster *.SHP, Macpaint *.MAC, Doodle *.DOO, Public Painter *.DOO, Public Painter Compressed *.CMP, Public Painter double Screen *.PIC, The Program's custom picture format *.JCC. You can save your pictures as .DOO, .PI3, and now .IMG (Yippie!). Docs included. This is one impressive program. MDISK694 is M-Disk v.6.94. This is an excellent .ACC re-set proof RAM -------- disk. Just uploaded but I've already heard several people commenting on how useful and bug free it is (they're right!). It does A LOT! M-Disk provides you with: a sizable removable multi-function ramdisk; a floppy disk copy program (with virus detection logic which Prevents viruses being transferred!); It will format _and_ copy a RAM disk to floppy in 120 seconds--which is as fast as most format options, and yet retains all verify features; a fast disk "wipe" option; a fast ramdisk load/save program; a harddisk backup/restore program; a PS/2 compatible floppy disk formatting program; and a boot sector virus destruction program; a "reverse" formatter, starting at a high track # going down to 1 (this can save some of your data if you mistakenly start a format) MiNT and MultiTOS (KAOS, too) compatible. ST--Falcon compatible. Extensive docs that do a very good job of explaining even the little details of the program are included. I have now moved this file into the "boot up with" category. Excellent! NEWPRTST is a new (dated Feb. 12, 1993) series of four printer drivers -------- for PageStream 2.x. They are for the new HP LaserJet 4 (I wish I had one!), the HP DeskJet 55c, the HP DeskJet 500c, and any PostScript printer. NODDYS is the Noddy's Playtime demo. This excellent program is designed ------ to encourage and enhance the creativity of any 3-7 year-old (and a 37 year-old reviewer can have a fun time playing it as well!). It is a fully-functional demo of three of the ten programs available in the full commercial release (the limitation being that each game is limited to 4 minutes--and that not much of a limitation since you don't even quit the program. You can just re-enter the game module and start again), the other being you can't save pictures from the drawing mode. The first game, which acts as a menu program for the main set is Noddy's Driving. Using the joystick, keyboard, or mouse, you guide Noddy about ToyTown as he drives his little put-put car. Build coordination as you negotiate the turns; see the police officer, the milkman, Boe Peep, and more as you drive around. Pull into Noah's Ark and assemble jigsaw puzzles of animals (easy, medium, and hard difficulties). Leave there and drive to a very nice paint program with many of the tools of a full- featured program, and yet tailored for little hands and skills (I really like the ability to paste numerous different characters straight on to your picture with a single click). One problem with this section is that the fill patterns won't work on my STe (they will work on my TOS 1.0 ST). I like this program and will probably buy it if it ever shows up in the US. Until then I recommend that any 3-7 year old play with this demo! Color only. Docs included. TERA_130 is Tera Desktop V1.30 by Wout Klaren (dated January 30, 1993). -------- The Tera Desktop is a replacement of the ST (and TT) desktop. This desktop offers many of the same features as DC Desktop, NeoDesk, and the Atari NewDesk (TOS 2.06 and above), and then some. With this program you can place files and programs on the desktop as icons, and view files in a window. Buttons in dialog boxes can be selected with the keyboard! There are really too many features to be listed here. It will work with any TOS and from a floppy or Hard Drive (Hard Drive is definitely recommended). It can be run from the AUTO folder or from the desktop. Color or mono. Docs included (now program and docs are in English and Dutch). This version is only for the ST line, TOS 1.0-- 2.06. See TERA_TT for the TT specific version. VAULTPRG is Vault v.3.02 by Robert Fischer (dated March 14, 1992). This -------- is an excellent program, much needed by anyone who has a hard drive. Backing up your hard drive is a painful chore, but an important one. Backups are like car insurance: you hope you never need them, but if you have a crash they are a blessing. Vault allows you to easily back up your drives. You can do full backups, incremental backups (based on criteria you select), partial backups of only the folders and files you wish, and more. It takes advantage of setting the archive bit if you so choose. Format floppies, wipe old floppies "clean" or append the backup to a current floppy. This program has a pleasing interface, with very useful online helps and offline documentation. Included with this package is a restore utility, but that's not really needed (except when Vault "splits" very large files over two disks), because Vault backs up to TOS formatted disks so you can always easily access your data. This program has lots of options and is intelligently organized. If you don't have a commercial backup program, I recommend you give this a try (another nice backup utility is TURTLE by George Woodside, the author of Virus Killer v.3.84). And now on to the brightest and best of this week's downloads: 93_CAL is a series of six Calamus .CDK files by Glenn Gorman that allow ------ you to print out a calendar for each month in 1993 (two pages per .CDK). Don't worry about the year though, you can easily change the data on the calender for another year if you wish.. One file for every two months. ie: 1_2Cal.cdk is for the months of January and February and so on. I did it this way, so that all of you with only one or two meg machines, could still load and print this calendar. You'll just have to do it two months at a time. Compatible with Calamus 1.09N or SL. AGG_0293 is the February 20, 1993 issue of the Atari Gaming Gazette: -------- "The Lynx Specialists." This Month's Issue - Operation ACT Now, Lynx Catalog, Gazette Newsfile, Batman Returns Strategy Guide - Conclusion, Could it Be?, Trade Publication Round-Up, Easter Egg Gallery, Lynx'n On The Line Adds GEnie Coverage, and Pit Fighter Reviewed. ATLAS is a .SEQ animation by Dan Bordonaro of the mighty Atlas holding ----- up the world as he spins through space with a galaxy, moon and nebula in the background. Atlas was made with Cyber Sculpt and the animation with Chronos 3D. It's viewed from a movie theatre with people looking on (and occasionally talking with each other). Color only. Requires ANIMATE4 to view with one MEG minimum RAM. Color only. AUD_CD15 is CD AUDIO v.1.5(demo) by Nima Montaser (dated February, 1993) -------- is an .ACC that allows you to play audio compact discs from a CD-ROM drive in the background while working at another GEM application (if you wish!). The code for the Sony DCU541 and the NEC machines is already included, but you can now enter the correct SCSI commands for your CD ROM player just by using a text editor (you have to know what they are though!). It will allow you to Play all, Choose the track to play, Pause, STop, and Eject your CD (gracefully, of course). This demo is fully functioning, faster than ever before (but several delays are incorporated in this demo to urge you to register--only $12). GEM based, ST/TT MultiTOS compatible. This program will work in all resolutions. SHAREWARE. Docs included. CARYCASE is a a Degas .PC3 plan for his computer carrying case (drawing -------- and text included). It allows me to carry his 14" multisync, 1040STe, shoebox hard drive, hand scanner, Omniswitch, mouse, Sony SRS-17's, and a bunch of floppies. I hope it works as well for you. It is an ingenious and safe design to carry all of your equipment (you just won't want to carry it too far!). In a self-extracting .ZIP format (it uncompresses to the directory from which it is run). CDPLAY is a program by Brian J. Grier that allows you to play CD's with ------ audio tracks on your Chinon 431. This program has been designed to work like most portable CD players. When you exit the program the current song will play to completion. It will work on any ST/STe/TT with the ICD Host Adapter and software (at least v.6.0). Color or mono. CLUBCEMO is Club Dominoes by INFOworks. This game will run on any ST/TT -------- with 512k of RAM (or more) and in low and med. rez. It is billed as the most authentic and realistic dominoes simulation available for ANY computer. This game provides you with creative and competitive play (against the computer with three levels of difficulty) or against another player (via the MIDI port, null modem, or modem), three game variations (Muggins, Bergen, and Domino, excellent graphics, on-line docs, and much more. Keyboard or mouse controlled. Hard drive installable. Limited in that you can only play Muggins in this demo. CONV_LDP is "Convert LDP." This simple program will convert your LDP -------- files produced by LDW Power to an ASCII format delimited by quotes and commas, which will readily import into FirstGraph and other programs. The conversion process strips all control codes and spaces from the input file. Freeware from ABC Solutions. Docs included. COPNROB is the Cops and Robbers II demo by Kevin L. Scott (dated Feb., ------- 1993). This is a two player game (there aren't enough of those out there--and this is a good one!). In this game you and your opponent are both trying to get the upper hand. As the robber you must find and rob five banks in the city. As the cop, you must patrol your city looking for the robber. The police officer has his/her radio and radar to help locate the robber, but robbers have resources as well! The city is divided up into 32 city blocks consisting of 8 across and 4 down. A complete city is provided for you to play with. With the commercial game you can modify or create your own cities with a built-in editor. This game is a lot of fun, and only limited in ways that won't greatly hinder your enjoyment of it (rather that the full version enhances the fun!). Color only. Joysticks required. Docs included. I liked this demo. C_GINEER is v.5.02PD by Ph. Kraft (dated 1992). This mono only program -------- is a 2D organic chemistry molecular structure modeler. This interesting program is in English (but the docs are in German . You can choose all sorts of structural parameters, display modes, and more. Rotate your molecules about any axis. Nicely done, and fast, too! DRVSPACE by Dan Panke (of ST PLUG--the exclusive distributor of Budgie -------- UK Software here in North America) is a simple GFA basic (compiled and GFA source included) program that will, when run, return the free space on all available Hard drive partitions. Color or mono. FIT_ACC is a TERRIBLE puzzle .ACC!! The name of the .ACC file is ------- HAVEAFIT.ACC and it's aptly named! It gives me FITS by providing me with twelve blocks representing the twelve possible shapes you can make with five square blocks (using all of them each time). Then, by using your mouse you try to place these blocks in a 5 by 12 square grid, not leaving any space free. It's impossible to do (I'VE never done it!) and yet...there are several TRILLION different ways of positioning those blocks so that they fit in that rectangle (I don't think I am exagerating here--I remember reading an article in "Scientific American" on the topic). ST--TT compatible. ST low, medium or high, but not any TT resolutions. Don't try this unless you have LOTS of time available. Excuse me while I try it again...! FLYSHP12 is Flying Shapes v.1.2. This is a freeware Extend-O-Save -------- Module for Warp 9 by Charles F. Johnson of CodeHead Technologies. Flying Shapes simulates the movement of a line, box, polygon or triangle around your screen. Many aspects of this module can be altered, for an almost infinite range of excellent animated graphic effects. ST--TT compatible in all resolutions. You won't want to touch your computer again after watching this for awhile! FORTUNES is "Fortune Cookie" v.1.0, an Extend-O-Save Module for Warp 9 -------- by Charles F. Johnson of CodeHead Technologies (dated Feb. 1993). Fortune Cookie clears your screen and displays random one-line messages from an ASCII text file (and this includes almost 900 on-liners for your use or for your modification). Fortune Cookie works in all resolutions with 80 or more columns and on all ST--TT machines. Docs included. (Editors Note: There is an update available, Version 1.2, that now includes font loading.) INSECTA is Insecticide by Peter Hague. This color only SHAREWARE game ------- is excellent! Play this to find out what insects do in the winter when there's snow on the ground (they play Insecticide!). Now you can join them! Joystick controlled (fly your Ladybug about and blast away Watch out for those antimatter bugs!). Excellent graphics and sounds. Multiple levels, interesting confrontations, frightening diversions, and more. It reminds me a bit of Llamatron, but less crazy! Requires at least one meg of RAM. Docs included. MOVPIC20 is Moving Pictures v2.0 by Terry May (dated 93). This version -------- is a DRAMATIC improvement over previous versions found in our catalog. In the past you could select a ramdom picture to display as your Warp 9 background picture or when Desk Manager loads (Tiny format, .PNT, .PI3 and .SPC pics supported). This was handy to keeps things interesting, and it still is. But NOW...you can randomize any file type. Randomize Warp 9 background pics and Desk Manager boot pics (I think I said that!) Extend-O-Save modules (Warp 9 v.3.7 and above), data files for EOS modules, Beep samples, whatever! Now this will _really_ keep you on your toes! Color or mono. Docs included. ST/STe/TT compatible. PAYX_V22 is the Payroll Expert v. 2.20 by Randy Blain. Payroll Expert is -------- a powerful GEM-based payroll program that provides you with all all the features neccessary to handle large or small payroll applications. I am really impressed with the look and feel of this program. Everything is accessed via the standard GEM interface, so very little instruction is needed in order to use the program. Also included in this package is ACC-Time, his shareware time-clock accessory, since Payroll Expert allows importing of the time-clock data to facilitate easy payroll computation for all employees. You can easily pay all of your employees without ever touching the keyboard. Complete reports are available at any time to make all your federal and state taxes easy to compute and file (of course, it doesn't make them any easier to pay). It will allow you to print on any style of checks. It also includes a perpetual calendar. Up to 64 employees are supported in the registered version (only two in this demo). Floppy or hard drive. ST/STe (at least) compatible. Any RAM configuration. The author has worked hard on this program, often updating and improving it. Color or mono. Docs included. SHAREWARE. POKERSQR is Bad Baud's POKER SQUARES by Joel Shafer (Dated Feb. 21, -------- 1993). Adapted from an 8-bit program by O'Laughlin and Whitworth this STOS program pits you against a clock as you attempt to create the best set of poker hands on a 5x5 grid, placing the cards as they are dealt to you. It's harder than it seems for making that straight in the vertical column might just ruin that impending full house in a horizontal column. Your score is based on the ten poker hands you create (5 vertical and 5 horz.). Fast paced and fun. Color only. Docs included. Not STe compatible. PUZZLE is the Sliding Puzzle an Extend-O-Save Module for Warp 9 by John ------ Eidsvoog of CodeHead Technologies. Sliding Puzzle divides your screen into little blocks, randomly blackens one of them, and then begins randomly sliding pieces around like the little "Sliding Puzzle" that most of us are familiar with. You may select from 25--400 blocks to be displayed on your screen and the speed with which they are moved about. ST--TT compatible with all resolutions. Docs included. SAVERS12 is a set of SHAREWARE Extend-O-Save Modules for Warp 9 by John -------- Dillenburg. Compatible on an ST--TT in all resolutions, these modules are excellent. The modules are: FRECKLE - Draw dots; RANDLINE _ Random Lines; RASHAPES - Random shapes; ROAMSHAP - Roaming shapes; PYRODLX - DeluPyrotech Deluxe fireworks, and SYMMETRY - Symmetric fractals. I have only heard good about these modules. SLAB11 is Sound Lab v.1.1 by Damien M. Jones (dated Feb. 1, 1993). This ------ is a very fast and capable sound editor that allows you to take digitized sound samples and manipulate them to your heart's content. It has plenty of features, and its edit functions are _very_ fast. You can play and record samples from 5KHz to 30KHz, load and save in .AVR, .SPL, .SAM, .WAV, .SND,. and .SMP formats, and it's easy to use. (Recording samples requires either the ST Replay cartridge or DigiSound cartridge, or a cartridge compatible with one of them.) It also lets you add sound effects to your samples, like echo and fade, and more. It uses a ZeST type 3D button interface that is a pleasure to watch and use. Now you can access .ACC's, use the GEM fileselector (+ UIS or Maxifile), install as an application, and more! LOTS of new features included. Color or mono. 40 page ASCII manual included. There's a nifty on-screen help system that takes you through the in's and out's of the program. Watch the mouse move about all by itself! ST/STe compatible. You _can_ run this program with only 512k of RAM, but it's not advised to do so. SHAREWARE. You get printed docs and updates with your registration. STZIP22 is STZip v.2.2 by Vincent Pomey (dated Feb. 12, 1993). This is ------- one fantastic compression utility, and he keeps on making it better! It is so much faster than LZH that it's not funny. Most times it compresses more efficently as well. It compresses and uncompresses .ZIP files, just like PKZip on MS DOS machines. Use it with a command line or with the built-in GEM shell program (easy to use!). This file includes a program that creates self-extracting archives, and a small, stripped down version that is accessed only through a command line interface. I highly recommend this program for any of you who deal with ZIP files. Docs included. Color or mono. ST--TT compatible. (Editors Note: File compacted with ST_ZIP version 2.1 do not seem to extract with version 2.2. CRC errors are present. However, file compacted with 2.2 do work satisfactory with 2.1. TBX_DEMO is tbxCAD demo version 2.2 by Tony Biasutti (dated 1993). This -------- is a full-featured GDOS compatible two dimensional drafting package. This package features an infinite drawing plane, wide range of drawing primitives, exact specification of locations, multiple layers, scaling, dimensioning, measurement and much more (I don't have enough room to tell about all the features--just to name one more-- Bezier curves). The full program can print to Epson compatible dot matrix printers, or through GDOS, almost any other printer. Included with this file are several demo drawings. It also allows you to export GEM METAfiles (like Easy Draw creates) allowing you to import your drawings into a DTP program and thereby accessing a wide range of printers. It allows you to import DFX format files. Color or mono. ST--TT compatible. Docs included. 1 meg of RAM and a DS drive required. This demo is save and print disabled. X_GINEER is v.5.41PD of a program by Ph. Kraft that allows you to -------- analyse structural data from X-RAY analysis of various crystaline materials. Input the data and output possible structures (as 3D projections). View them and rotate them about any axis. A nice library of files is included. The program is in English, but the Docs are in German. Mono only. Well, I guess that's it for this week. It's time to fire up the modem, send this file off, and then hit the sack! Take care, Michael All of these files can be found on one or more of the following on-line services: GEnie (M.BURKLEY1), Delphi (MRBURKLEY), The CodeHead BBS (213 -461-2095), Toad Hall (617-567-8642), and The Boston Computer Society's Atari BBS (617-396-4607) (Michael R. Burkley). Drop me a line! Michael lives in Niagara Falls, NY. He is a former Polyurethane Research Chemist and is presently the pastor of the Niagara Presbyterian Church. |#|#|#|#|#|#|#| **--DELPHI SIGN-UP--** **--GENIE SIGN-UP--** ============================|============================ To sign up for DELPHI call | To sign up for GENIE call (with modem) 800-695-4002. | (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon connection hit return | Upon connection type HHH once or twice. At Password: | and hit return. Wait for type ZNET and hit . | the U#= prompt and type in | the following: XTX99436, | GEnie and hit return. ============================|============================ **--COMPUSERVE SIGN-UP--** ------------------ To sign up for CompuServe service call (with phone) (800) 848-8199. Ask for operator #198. You will then be sent a $15.00 free membership kit. ========================================================= **--ATARINET INFORMATION--** -------------------- If you'd like further information or would like to join AtariNet-please contact one of the following via AtariNet or Fido: Bill Scull Fido 1:363/112 AtariNet 51:1/0, Dean Lodzinski Fido 1:107/633 AtariNet 51:4/0, Terry May Fido 1:209/745 AtariNet 51:2/0, Tony Castorino Fido 1:102/1102 AtariNet 51:3/0, Don Liscombe AtariNet 51:5/0, Daron Brewood Fido 2:255/402 AtariNet 51:6/0. You can also call the Z*Net News Service at (908) 968-8148 for more info. ======================================================================== Reprints from the GEnie ST Roundtable are Copyright (c)1993, Atari Corporation and the GEnie ST RT. Reprints from CompuServe's AtariArts, AtariPro, AtariVen, or Aportfolio Forums are Copyright (c)1993, CIS. ======================================================================== Reprints from AtariUser Magazine are Copyright(c)1993, AtariUser. NO AU article MAY BE REPRINTED without the written permission of the publisher. You can subscribe and read ALL of the informative articles each and every month by contacting AU at (818) 246-6277. For $15.00 you will receive 12 issues. Send your payment to AtariUser Magazine, 249 North Brand Boulevard, Suite 332, Glendale, California, USA, 91203. Foreign delivery is $30.00 in US funds. ======================================================================== Atari is a registered trademark of Atari Corporation. Atari Falcon030, TOS, MultiTOS, NewDesk and BLiTTER, are trademarks of Atari Corporation. All other trademarks mentioned in this publication belong to their respective owners. ======================================================================== **--** Z*NET OFFICIAL INFORMATION **--** ========================================================= Z*Net Atari Online Magazine is a weekly online publication covering the Atari and related computer community. Material published in this issue may be reprinted under the following terms only: articles must remain unedited and include the issue number and author at the top of each article reprinted. Reprint permission is granted, unless otherwise noted at the beginning of the article, to registered Atari user groups and not for profit publications. Opinions present herein are those of the individual authors and do not reflect those of the staff. This publication is not affiliated with the Atari Corporation. Z*Net, Z*Net News Service, Z*Net International, Rovac, Z*Net Atari Online and Z*Net Publishing are copyright (c)1993, Syndicate Publishing, PO Box 0059, Middlesex, NJ 08846-0059, Voice: (908) 968-2024, BBS: (908) 968-8148, (510) 373-6792. ===~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~== Z*Net Atari Online Magazine Copyright (C)1993, Syndicate Publishing - Ron Kovacs ===~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~==